Team Work Skills Social Benefits

60 to students’ tolerance toward others in several reflection papers. One of the reflection papers which contained the student’s tolerance was in excerpt 49. The student wrote and mentioned that being in a team, she learned how to tolerate others.

c. Social Skills

The researcher found that a lot of students wrote about skills they used in interacting and connecting with other people, such as collaborative learning contribution to their social skills, interaction skills, interpersonal skills, and learning communities. Another advantage of collaborative learning was it trained students in the social skills that they needed to work cooperatively. Collaborative learning was student centered so it really developed the interaction skills of the students. They perceived the contributions from the way collaborative learning made them mingle with others, have good relationship with others, know with their peers, build solid and strong connection and bond between their members, socialize with others, get more friends, interact with others, adapt to others, learn how to embrace, feel motivated, and cheer up for their members in the group, support their friends who sometimes complaint, and have a chance to meet a lot of new people. The following excerpt contained those skills. “It will automatically develop my socialization skill, cooperation skill, grow respect toward others and all other meaningful values of life and more or less will also make myself a better person .” – Excerpt 50 61 In excerpt 50, the student wrote that collaborative learning in Play Performance class developed his socialization skills and other skills which had meaningful value in his life. It was obvious that the student who wrote excerpt 50 perceived collaborative learning contribution on the social skills. “The values that I had gotten from these are togetherness and work with others. The togetherness had made me to interact and socialize in society .” – Excerpt 51 In excerpt 51, the student wrote that she experienced collaboration work with her group. It made her interact and socialize with the society. This meant that collaborative learning in Play Performance class gave its contribution to develop the interaction skills. “Well, whatever I really faced in this class gave me some lessons to be learnt. Those lessons also help me to adapt myself with play performance class. I realize that I have to survive and keep adapting myself with the class. There were some ways that made me could adapt me; first, I always remember to my commitment that I have taken this class so I have to pass it. Second, I tried to be as friendly as possible to everyone in the class so that I would have many new friends. Third, I increased my patient in order to make the well atmosphere in my group so that we could work without any emotional and big conflict. Fourth, I also supported my friends who sometimes complain because they were tired or upset. Those things perhaps not a big deal but it really helps me to adapt myself with this class .” – Excerpt 52 In excerpt 52, the student tried to be as friendly as possible to everyone, to increase her patience in order to create a good atmosphere among their members, and to support her peers who complained because they were tired. Those are the student’s ways to adapt with her friends. It showed how the student used and developed her interaction skills through collaborative learning. Excerpt 52 proved 62 the theory from Cohen and Cohen 1991 that collaborative learning develops social interaction skills as cited in Laal Ghodsi, 2012. 1 Self-Management Skills and Emotional Skills Another contribution from collaborat ive learning was students’ self- management skills and emotional skills. The researcher found various collaborative learning contribution perceived by the students. Several students mentioned the contribution to their self-management and emotional from learning to be punctual, learning to be more patient, learning not to be selfish or egoistic, learning to lower their ego, to be sportsmanlike, not to give up easily, to be strong, tough and firm person. Moreover, they also wrote that they could manage their emotion and manage their responsibility. They learned to have a good personality, to stick with the deadline, to not easily be influenced by circumstances, to be happy and to cope with their pessimistic and laziness, not to act thoughtless and ignorant, to be humble, to be able to conquer their fear and themselves, to make priority for themselves, to keep themselves straight on the right track, to keep the balance between attitude or behaviour and condition toward others, to be more responsible and not to use superiority wrongly toward their juniors. “Play performance class also give me the lesson to be discipline because if I do not discipline in practicing my group will be in trouble because we may be kicked out from the stage. Besides, if I do not discipline in attending the class, I will be in trouble because I can be kicked out from the class .” – Excerpt 53 In excerpt 53, the student wrote in their reflection paper that Play Performance class taught them to be a discipline perso n. Through the student’s 63 reflection, the researcher found that being discipline was collaborative learning contribution to student ’s self-management skills. “Play performance class also can make students become patient because students are working with each other and they need to understand each other. Students also need to be able to accept other people‟s suggestions and comments .” – Excerpt 54 “I learn so much about controlling my ego for the better cause and learn to more open minded so I could take more critiques to make my performance better and understand what other people point of view about some things .” – Excerpt 55 In excerpts 54 and 55, the students tried to manage themselves by trying to be more patient, and better in controlling their ego. They unconsciously tried to develop their management skills in order to understand others; the way they worked and thought, and they tried to understand to make their contributions, which were mentioned in a form of performance. “Then, I learned how to manage my time. Time management is not easy. Other courses also gave us so many assignments, so I had to manage my time smartly an d well. If I didn‟t organize everything well, I would be messed up. I learned to manage my time and organize things well so every assignment could be done well and on time and I could have time to come to the rehearsal, especially to take care of the costumes .” – Excerpt 56 The researcher found the development of self-management skills as the contribution of collaborative learning in Play Performance class. Collaborative learning in Play Performance class had contributed to the student’s way in managing his or her time. They were able to manage their time better so they could organize their schedule and tasks well. 64 2 Appreciating Others Another contribution which occurred in Play Performance class through collaborative learning was about respecting others. While working together in a group, the students would experience different ways of thinking and various opinions from others. By having a democratic discussion, the students would learn about how to respect and appreciate other people and their different opinions. “I also learn to share my opinion to others and learn to pay more attention to others comment or argument. Here I learn to give appreciate to others work .” – Excerpt 57 In excerpt 57, the student wrote that she learned to pay more attention to others’ comment or argument. In other words, it showed that the student appreciated other students’ comment or argument. “I learned that we shouldn‟t underestimate something or someone. At first, I thought some jobs were easy like costume, make-up music, and lighting division, but it turned out every job was important and not that easy to do it. Each of it has its own challenge. So, we have to appreciate everyone who does the job well .” – Excerpt 58 In excerpt 58, the student wrote about the way the student appreciated others. The student had learnt how to respect others by not underestimating something or someone. The student wrote that each job in the group work had its own challenge and each job was important and not easy to do. Therefore, every member in her group faced their own difficulties in their work and the students had to appreciate their peers. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI