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10 states that collaborative method is an adaptable method that can accommodate many different teaching purposes as cited in Pandian, Cakravarthy Lah, 2003. However, Dillenbourg 1999, p. 5 argues that, “collaborative learning is not a method because of the low predictability of specific types of interactions. ” In his explanation, he elaborates that collaborative learning usually takes the form of in structions to subject, for example: “You have to work together,” “Team mates work on the same table,” “Each group member will receive the mark given to the group project.” This is why the „collaborative’ situation is a kind of social contract. 2 Collaborative Learning as an Approach Lin 2015 explains the definition of collaborative learning as an approach which is developed as a formal group of four students working together on specific collaborative learning tasks in constructing and maintaining a shared conception of knowledge. Collaborative learning is the principal instructional approach employed in the teaching and learning processes to maximize students’ learning. Through the process, the students collect various information and knowledge as the foundation of their group’s concept for their project. 3 Collaborative Learning as a Technique Jacobs, Power, and Loh 2002, p. 1 give an explanation of collaborative l earning as “principles and techniques for helping students work together more effectively.” as cited in Lin, 2015, p. 17 11

b. Characteristics of Collaborative Learning

These are the characteristics of collaborative learning which are mentioned by Friend and Cook 2010. They identify nine elements of collaboration which represent the definition of collaborative learning characteristics. First, collaboration is voluntary. Collaborating with other members is a voluntary activity. The members’ feelings and bodies automatically move to help other members in finishing their group work. They have to be aware with their surrounding while working in their groups. They have to be a considerate person by helping others in finishing their work. Friend and Cook 2010 also mention that even though there are several members in the group that may be voicing their objections in working on some parts of works and ignoring others’ need for help, a person should stay still and voluntarily move to help other members whose work still need to be helped. Second, collaboration requires parity among participants. Parity is a situation where the interaction of a group contains an equal work or equal contributions in working together and making decision for group task. Friend and Cook 2010 state that the contributions made by each member are equally valued. Each member in the team has the same right in voicing their opinion in the group. They also mention that if there is someone in their group that has a dominant voice in making the decision for the group work, the collaboration does not occur. Third, collaboration is based on mutual goals. Collaboration happens only when the members of a group struggle to achieve the same goals. They focus on making the goals succeed and not focusing on ly on personals’ goals. They should PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 12 have one thought in their mind that they have the same goals shared with their peers in group work. Friend and Cook 2010 state that they have to set aside their differences in order not to disturb their work. Besides, by being professional and being loyal to their goals, they can keep their work and effort in achieving their mutual goals. Fourth, collaboration depends on shared responsibility for participation and decision making. All members in the group must be responsible for their participation and decision making in the group. Friend and Cook 2010 state that the task may not be equal for each division because each division in the group has their own task to be done. It is fine if the participation in completing the goal is different between one division and another division. The most important is that everyone in the group is responsible for their tasks. Fifth, individuals who collaborate share resources. Each individual shares specific resources for reaching their goals. Friend and Cook 2010 explain that in achieving their goal, the students must have some resources which are shared among their peers in one group. Those resources they share together can be in various forms because it depends in which divisions the students are belonged and what tasks they need to do. They have to share resources in order to complete each other’s necessity to make their goals success. Sixth, individuals who collaborate share accountability for outcomes. Every individual in the group is responsible for the result of their collaborative work. In the end, they can make a decision agreed by all of the members in order to make the results of their work better. This kind of characteristics is similar to