Social Skills Social Benefits

64 2 Appreciating Others Another contribution which occurred in Play Performance class through collaborative learning was about respecting others. While working together in a group, the students would experience different ways of thinking and various opinions from others. By having a democratic discussion, the students would learn about how to respect and appreciate other people and their different opinions. “I also learn to share my opinion to others and learn to pay more attention to others comment or argument. Here I learn to give appreciate to others work .” – Excerpt 57 In excerpt 57, the student wrote that she learned to pay more attention to others’ comment or argument. In other words, it showed that the student appreciated other students’ comment or argument. “I learned that we shouldn‟t underestimate something or someone. At first, I thought some jobs were easy like costume, make-up music, and lighting division, but it turned out every job was important and not that easy to do it. Each of it has its own challenge. So, we have to appreciate everyone who does the job well .” – Excerpt 58 In excerpt 58, the student wrote about the way the student appreciated others. The student had learnt how to respect others by not underestimating something or someone. The student wrote that each job in the group work had its own challenge and each job was important and not easy to do. Therefore, every member in her group faced their own difficulties in their work and the students had to appreciate their peers. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 65 3 Respecting and Caring for Others The researcher also found several students who wrote about collaborative learning contribution in their way in caring for others. Several students wrote that they became a person who cares for their friends’ condition. Excerpt 59 showed one of student in Play Performance class wrote the changes that happened on them because of group work in Play Performance class. “I become a friend who care to the others, can accept suggestion, comments, and critique that can improve my competences .” – Excerpt 59 “In my personal life, the positive impacts of the things that I have learned from this course are quite exiting. The first value is about respecting and caring about others. In my personal life, I can respect other people in my daily activity. For example, when a person argues something in meeting forum I have to pay attention to that person or the simpliest thing is greeting other people. Those are the example of respect other people in my daily activity. Then, I also have to care about other people in my daily activity. For example, when a person who gets an accident in the road. I will help that person no matter whether heshe knows me or not because I care about that people. Besides, caring are not only to people but also to myself. I know the limit of my body, when I get tired I have to take a rest or when I stress I have to relax. Those are the example of caring about other people and myself in my real life .” – Excerpt 60 In excerpt 60, the student who wrote the reflection told about the positive impact he obtained because of Play Performance class, which used collaborative learning. The positive impact was a term that the student used to picture the contribution that he perceived from collaborative learning in Play Performance class. The student mentioned that the student obtained quite good values in respecting and caring for other. The student did not only mention about how he started caring for others but also for himself. 66 “Through the activities that I have done in the Play Performance class, I have learned a lot of important values that I could not get in the other classes. They are respecting and caring about other people, work, and cooperate well with other people, and communicate well with other people .” – Excerpt 61 In excerpt 61, the student who wrote the reflection mentioned about values they obtained from learning activities in Play Performance class in one excerpt. The student mentioned that he obtained some important values, and those values are respecting and caring about other people. 4 Personality Development Another contribution which was perceived by the students was the contribution to students’ personality development. Most of the activities in Play Performance class demanded the students to work in their group. Then, those activities also assisted them to develop their personality better. The researcher found collaborative learning had contributed to students’ personality in various ways. There was a student who wrote that from Play Performance class, the student wanted to be a humble person. There were two students who wrote that team work in Play Performance class had taught them to be a wise person, especially in facing the problems that appeared. There was a student who wrote that they learned to be courageous in facing the problems and be a dreamer who was encouraged to execute their dreams. Some of them wrote in their reflection papers that they learned to be friendlier toward others. There were also several students who wrote that every activity related to team work in Play Performance class had changed themselves into a better person. They also learned PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 67 to become an optimist person in producing a successful performance. Moreover, some students also added that they became more mature after following the group activities in Play Performance class. Excerpts 62, 63, 64 showed the other contributions that the students wrote in their reflection papers. “I admitted that I got very amazing experience to be a part of this play performance class especially to be a player. There were a lot of burden that we shall face. There were a lot of anxiety. There were a lot of challenges that we face. However, we could tackle all of the burdens, anxiety, and challenges. Those problems constructed us to be courageous, stronger, wiser, and responsible. Those problem also build us to be a dreamer, a dreamer that had the courage to execute it. I believe that such kind of characteristics would be very helpful in our future. On how to deal with the problems in any subjects that we would take next semester and also how to deal with the other people in our life .” – Excerpt 62 In excerpt 62, the student mentioned about the contributions they perceived from Play Performance class to their personality development. The student mentioned in her reflection paper that the problems she faced along the dynamic in their group work in Play Performance class had made her to be more courageous, stronger and also wiser. Besides, the student also added that the problems had made her to be a dreamer who had the courage to make their dream come true. “My plan to work with my team is just a simple plan. I cannot force other people and I do not want to. The thing that I can do is forcing me, myself to be be better, because good things will be followed by the others if we start it by ourselves first. I do not want other people get bothered by my attitude or by my words, or by my activities. I want myself to get change to be better for myself first .” – Excerpt 63 “I will remember very well all the good things and bad things that happened during the Play Performance class on Wednesday or during the group practices on Mondays and Fridays and some other additional days. 68 Those things have helped me to grow better as a human being. Those things have changed my life and me myself .” – Excerpt 64 Excerpts 63 and 64 showed that the students had similar contributions. Both of the students wrote about collaborative learning contribution to them which made themselves become a better person. Even though the student did not mention clearly what the contribution that he perceived, but the first sentence of the excerpt had explained it. The student mentioned about his plan toward working with his team. The student wanted to try to be a better person because of working together with other. It meant that the group activities in Play Performance class had contributed in making the student became a better person. In excerpt 64, the student clearly mentioned that „those things’, which are good experiences and bad experiences that happened during the group practices for Play Performance, also developed him became a better person. 5 Patient The researcher also found some contributions of collaborative learning in Play Performance class from several students. There were various contributions they perceived and they mentioned it in their reflection papers. These excerpts contained contributions of collaborative learning on student’s patience. “In the last part of this reflection, I learn three things that I have never done before; to be patient, to be discipline and responsible, and dare to challenge our personality to know something new .” – Excerpt 65 In excerpt 65, the researcher found that the student perceived the contribution of collaborative learning in their patient toward others. It also gave 69 c ontribution to student’s discipline and it made the student to be more responsible. Moreover, the student also mentioned that collaborative learning contributed in daring her to challenge herself to acknowledge something new. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 70


This chapter consists of two parts: conclusions and recommendations. The first part presents the conclusions of the study. The second part provides several recommendations related to the study.

A. Conclusions

The conclusions were the answers to two research questions. Those questions were about which characteristics of collaborative learning frequently appeared in the students’ reflection papers in Play Performance class, and what the contributions of collaborative learning were perceived by the students to their soft skills development. The researcher conducted this study by analysing the documents of students’ reflection papers. The researcher used the theory from Friend and Cook 2010 to analyze the characteristics of collaborative learning. The first result of this study stated that all of the characteristics mentioned in the theories appeared in the student s’ reflection papers. The most frequent characteristic that appeared in the students’ reflection papers was based on the numbers of excerpts. Each characteristic had different total number of excerpts. The characteristic that had a big number of excerpts was the most frequent characteristics appeared in the students’ reflection papers. Requiring parity was on PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 71 the first place as the most frequent characteristic that appeared in the students’ reflection papers. Voluntary was on the second place, sharing responsibility for participation and decision making was on the third place, trusting one another was on the fourth place, sharing accountability for outcomes was on the fifth place, mutual goals was on the sixth place, evolving a sense of community was on the seventh place, interpersonal style was on the eighth place, and the last place was sharing resources. The second result of this study was about the contribution of collaborative learning perceived by the students in Play Performance class in the students’ reflection papers. There were various contributions that were perceived by the students written in their reflection papers. Each student perceived the contributions of collaborative learning to their soft skills development. The researcher classified and identified them into two main types based on the theories in Chapter Two. Those categories are academic benefits and social benefits. The students perceived the academic benefits from their academic achievement, their positive attitudes toward the subject matter, their critical thinking, and their problem solving. For the social benefits, the students perceived to their communication skills, team work skills, and social skills. The researcher found 636 excerpts from the students’ reflection papers that contained both characteristics of collabora tive learning in students’ reflections paper and the contributions of collaborative learning perceived by the students on their soft skills development. The result of this study showed that the collaborative learning in Play Performance class was successful to be applied. It PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 72 was because all of the characteristics of collaborative learning were all found in students’ reflection papers.

B. Recommendations

In this part, the researcher would like to give suggestions which are related to the study in this field to future researchers and the lecturers English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University.

1. Future Researchers

The future researchers can conduct a study of collaborative learning in other classes. Since this study only analyzed the characteristics and the contributions of collaborative learning, the future researchers can analyze the developmental stages of group’s progress. The future researchers can use the result of this study as a reference.

2. The Lecturers in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata

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