I dont think he knew her. I mean, based on The state attorneys a Democrat Excuse me, excuse me. Oh, really? You know, people, are chopping off heads You just take a look –

69 No Conversation Types Patterns Factors Explanation SI OI S R O R S R O R R E M O A B R G C O S P E L E X R W R S O T M H M U U I O T read this to you? Do you mind if I read you her statement? self –repair. Trump specifies his words when he was talking about the paper which contains female reporter ‟s statement. In the beginning he says „this‟ and he repairs it into „her statement‟. Here, Trumps makes a clearer intention of his utterances. 6.

A: Youve suggested you might -

T: Excuse me, excuse me I didnt suggest.

√ √ √ In this case, Anderson as the other is initiating a repair by saying „you‟ve suggested‟. In order to answer Anderson ‟s questions as well as to resolve the repair, Trumps repeats the word „excuse me‟ twice to strongly denies Anderson‟s statement about a plan to press charges against the female reporter to prevent the misunderstanding regarding the matter. He avoids the audience to wrongly perceive the topic by saying recurrent constituents. This is called as other-initiated self-repair. 7.

T: I dont think he knew her. I mean, based on

what I heard, I dont think he really even knew who she was. √ √ √ Trump is initiating self-initiated self-repair. He modifies his previous utterance with adding two adverbs when he was talking about whether his 70 No Conversation Types Patterns Factors Explanation SI OI S R O R S R O R R E M O A B R G C O S P E L E X R W R S O T M H M U U I O T manager, Lewandowski, knows the female journalist or not. He uses the adverbs in order to change the effect of his statement. It has a function to emphasize the intention and the purpose of his utterance. 8.

A: The state attorneys a Democrat

T: Excuse me, excuse me. Oh, really? √ √ √ Anderson as the other party is initiating a repair by stating a statement that makes Trump strongly denies his statement regarding on who is better to resolve the problem occurs in Middle East. Here, Trump solves the problem which is made by the Anderson. He repeats the word „Excuse me‟ to resolve the trouble source. This type of repair called as other- initiated self -repair. 9.

T: You know, people, are chopping off heads

in the Middle East. Theyre drowning people in cages by 50s. Theyre drowning - heres a guy – she shouldnt have been touching √ √ √ Initially, Trump is going to talk further regarding the terrible fact happened in Middle East. Then he goes back to the main talk related to the incident with the female journalist. Trump initiates a repair by abandoning his utterance and resolves it right away by saying a 71 No Conversation Types Patterns Factors Explanation SI OI S R O R S R O R R E M O A B R G C O S P E L E X R W R S O T M H M U U I O T me. Okay? And you saw that she did that. She was grabbing me. Twice. completely new utterance. The bold parts refer to the parts in which showing the repaired and the repairing segment. Here, Trump constructs a clearer intention in his utterance. 10.

T: You just take a look –

you just take a look at whats going on. √ √ √ Because of the words blank, Trump initiates a repair as well as resolves the trouble right away by completing the utterance „you just take a look‟ in his utterance. This is one of the examples of self-initiated self-repair. 11.

T: I would have loved to have fired