Abandonment Reorganization Patterns of Repair in Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump, CNN

b. Modification

Participants in the conversation tend to modify their utterance by adding more information about the utterance. An example of this pattern is presented in the following datum. Trump: I dont think he knew her. I mean, based on what I heard, I dont think he really even knew who she was. datum 7 Trump modifies his previous utterance by adding two adverbs when he is talking about whether his manager, Lewandowski, knows the female journalist or not. He uses the adverbs in order to change the effect of his statement. It has a function to emphasize the intention and the purpose of his utterance . The two adverbs that are used are „really‟ and „even‟ which are modifying the verb „knew‟ in the utterance above. A similar case also can be seen in the following example. Trump: I want to do that also, and I do want to do that, but I at the same time we have to recognize we have a serious problem. datum 42 In the example above, Trump is discussing about protecting the rights of minority groups, of Muslims, or Sikhs, of Jews, and others inside the United States. Here, he states that he also would like to protect the minority group but according to him the country also faces a serious problem. In this utterance, Trump modifies his words. Initially, he only says „I want to do that also,‟ but then he adds th e auxiliary verb „do‟ in the next utterance „I do want to do that‟. Here, the auxiliary „do‟ is used to give extra force to the main verb.

c. Abandonment

Choosing a topic in a conversation is a speaker‟s obligation. For that reason, sometimes the speakers will instantly abandon the utterance that they would not like to talk about. In repair completion, the researcher found this pattern as presented in the datum below. Trump: But to the best of my knowledge, its Texas. So he made that - I was surprised you didnt correct him actually. datum 4 In the bold parts, Trump is going to talk further about the truth of Ted Cruz‟ hometown in the conversation, but he chooses to abandon the statement and repair it with throwing another statement directly to Anderson. From the example above, it can be seen that in a conversation a speaker has an obligation to choose a topic that heshe would like to talk about. In another example below, it also shows the similar case. Trump: I would have loved to have fired – it would have been much easier than talking to you about this all night long. Id rather talk about the issues, to be honest. datum 11 Trump is disturbed by the discussed topic where it is talking about his leadership skill. Here, he hesitates whether he would like to continue his words or not. In the end, he abandons his previous words and starts with a new complete utterance. In abandonment, there are speakers who simply change the discussed topic like the previous examples. Besides, there are also speakers who choose the constituent wrongly that makes them to do an abandonment. The example is presented in the following datum. Trump: No. Now let me tell you whats next. No, no. Look, in Missouri, I just - it was just announced I won. datum 90 Trump declares that he won election in Missouri in the example. Here, he abandons his previous words „I just‟ because he says the words wrongly. He supposes to say „it was just‟ to deliver his utterance precisely.

d. Reorganization

Organization in a conversation is one of the vital factors to make the partner easily accepts the information. The speakers in Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump , CNN Milwaukee Republican Presidential Town Hall Episode also face the organization utterance. Here, they reorganize their words in order to present the clear information. An example is presented in the following datum. Trump: Health care - we need health care for our people. datum 62 Here, Trump discusses the importance of health care for people in United States. In uttering his idea, he makes a disorganize utterance. Initially he only says „health care‟ then he resolves it by saying „we need health care‟. It can be said that he reorganizes his utterance. A similar example also can be seen as follow. Anderson: Do you have a specific, though, for him on - a specific example that you changed your behavior changed the way youve done something going forward, or learned from something youve done that you didnt like the way it turned out? datum 96 Anderson asks Trump a question related to Senator Jeff Sessions who also endorsed Trump in the election. He asks whether Trump changed the behavior because of the senator. In the example, it can be seen that Anderson reorganizes his utterance after makes several errors in the beginning. Here, reorganization has a function to arrange the utterance in order to serve clear information.

e. Specification