Others Factors Initiating Repair in Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump, CNN

„the job she did‟ as the reason. The researcher also found another example as can be seen as follows: Anderson : Thats what you said to The New York Times. You said you worried about the proliferation of nuclear weapons the most. datum 17 Anderson makes a repair by specifying his words. In the beginning, he only says „what you said‟. Then, he resolves the problem by saying „you worried about the proliferation of nuclear weapons the most ‟. The utterance has a function to make a clearer utterance regarding the previous words that he proposes. Another example is presented in the following utterance. Trump : We are supporting them, militarily, and pay us a fraction, a fraction of what they should be paying us and of the cost. datum 21 In the case above, Trump initiates a repair by saying „and pay us a fraction‟ in the conversation. After that, he specifies the fraction that he means by saying „a fraction of what they should be paying us and of the cost ‟. He describes further about the fraction he is talking about. Because of the previous words seem unclear for the audience

d. Others

1 Changes in the discussed topic Besides three factors that are mentioned above, one of the other factors initiating a repair is the speaker‟s aim on changing the discussed topic. In daily conversation, people tend to leave the topic that they would not like to talk about. The researcher has compiled the examples of this factor found in the talk show Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump , CNN Milwaukee Republican Presidential Town Hall Episode . Trump : But to the best of my knowledge, its Texas. So he made that - I was surprised you didnt correct him actually. datum 4 In the bold parts, Trump is going to talk further about the truth of Ted Cruz‟ hometown simply because he would not like to continue his previous utterance, then he chooses to abandon the statement and repair it with throwing another statement directly to Anderson. Here, as the speaker Trump changes the main focus of the topic which is discussed in the conversation. The following example also shows the illustration of the similar case found in the research. Trump: We need a good - Obamacare is a disaster. datum 63 Initially, he says „we need a good‟ but instead of completing his utterance first, he attacks Obamacare existence while he is asked about the public health care in the United States. In this case, it can be said that Trump, as a speaker, abandons his words in order to change the discussed topic in the conversation. This factor initiating a repair appears because people‟s mind cannot be observed. For that reason, when people are talking, their interlocutor cannot anticipate the words that will be delivered. 2 Attempt to take a floor Floor or turn in a conversation is an important part. When someone holds a floor, it means that heshe has a control the floor and freely to speak in a conversation. In this research, the researcher also found that one of factors initiating a repair is speaker‟s attempt to take a floor. The following examples illustrate the explanation. Anderson : The state attorneys a Democrat Trump : Excuse me, excuse me. Oh, really? datum 8 By saying „excuse me, excuse me’, Trump is trying to take a floor from Anderson. It can be seen that Trump is repeating his words in order to take over the floor in the conversation above. Anderson as the other party is initiating a repair by stating a statement that makes Trump strongly denies his statement regarding on who is better to resolve the problem occurs in Middle East. The researcher also found another example of speaker‟s attempt to take a floor in this talk show. Anderson : Youre running for president of the United States. Trump : Excuse me, I didnt start it. I didnt start it. datum 32 Alike with the previous case, Trump is also attempting to take a floor from Anderson when they are talking about a controversial tweet. Here, Anderson as the other party continuously confronts Trump related to a tweet about Heidi Cruz. Trump tries to take a floor in this situation because it seems bring him down. He resolves the trouble by repeating, „I didnt start it‟ twice in order to get the floor back. 3 Blank Ideas In a conversation, the participants are also getting blank in the middle of their utterance. For that reason, the speakers are initiating repairs in their words. The researcher provided the example of the repairs which are caused by the speakers who are getting blank the words. Trump : She had a tremendous substance abuse problem and Im very – Tara, Im very, very proud of her datum 12 Trump talks about how he expresses his pride to one of the finalists in Miss Universe at the old days. Here, it can be seen that Trump, as the speaker, deals with the blank ideas. Before finally, he can finish his words. Another example is also presented in the following datum. Anderson : You always say youre self-funding. How much do you think your campaign has cost - in the past you said 25 million. datum 64 Similar to the previous example, the datum above also shows how Anderson faces the blank ideas in his utterance. Fortunately, he can solve the trouble right away in his utterance. Based on both examples that are provided above, the researcher noticed a common sign where in the getting blank, the speakers will stop or pause first before they are trying to complete their words. 4 Attempt to give details As mentioned in the previous discussion, a speaker should provide information as clear as possible. The aim for doing so is to give the interlocutor the information that is needed. Because of the reason, there is a situation in a repair completion where the speakers are trying to serve the detailed information to their partners. The researcher found some examples related to this factor. Trump : You dont have Germany talking about Ukraine. You dont have many of the countries in NATO talking about - its always us. Were always the first one out. datum 35 While talking about whether there are countries which talk about the world problem or not, Trump gives details as well as complete information that actually it is always the United States that cares more about the problem that occurred. Here, as the speaker, Trump provides the audience additional information related to the topic discussed to the audience. Another example of this factor is written in the example below. Anderson : His fellow officer, who is standing next to him, Sam Lenda... applause Sam Lenda took out... His fellow officer standing next to him, Sam Lenda, took out the shooter that day, is also with us. datum 35 Introducing who the questioner is one of the host‟ duties in the talk show. Here, as seen in the example above, Anderson elaborates his words to give the audience the detailed information about Sam Lenda by saying information related to him. 5 Emphasis on a statement It is normal if people emphasized their utterance to show their idea toward others in a conversation. In repair completion, the researcher also found that in order to emphasize the statement, some repairs are made by the speakers. The example shows the explanation. Trump : Can I be honest with you? Its going to happen, anyway. Its going to happen anyway. datum 26 Trump initiates a repair by saying „It’s going to happen, anyway.‟ Then he solves the repair by repeating the exact words „It’s going to happen, anyway.‟ In this case, Trump talks about the possibility of countries to have nuclear weapons in short of time. Here, he tries to emphasize the words he says in order to deliver his idea to the audience. The researcher also provided another example. Anderson : I want you to meet Jeff Johns. Hes a financial consultant. He said he is on the Trump train as of this point. Trump : I like him. I like him very much. datum 50 Trump modifies his utterance by adding the words „very much‟. Here, he does a self-initiated self-repair in the conversation. He modifies his utterance to emphasize his statement because the person is on the same boat with him. 6 Wrong choice of constituent In delivering information, the speakers are often dealing with some obstacles such as choosing the wrong constituent in the conversation. By doing so, the speakers must overcome the trouble by repairing it. The examples below show how the speakers in the talk show are dealing with this factor. T Trump : Theyre very strong. They are very - they have great heart. datum 100 Trump abandons the words „are very‟ and replaces with „they have a great heart ‟ considering he chooses a wrong constituent in his utterance. Here, Trump talks about his children‟s personalities which impress him as a parent. Another example on how the speaker is choosing a wrong constituent is also presented in the further discussion. Trump : You know, its not all about signing executive orders because this is something that came in - that wasnt the way our founders thought that this country was going to win. datum 95 In the previous example, Trump must say „that wasn’t‟ to make his utterance correct. However, he is caught to choose a wrong constituent that is not suitable in the early of his words by saying „that came in‟. 7 Incorrect information delivery The main purpose on doing a communication is delivering the right information to the interlocutors. However, sometimes people are having a trouble by sending incorrect information to their partner. For that reason, repair completion is done in order to solve this problem. The researcher found one example where the speaker is caught on delivering the incorrect information. Trump : And by the way, when my father passed away, remember, I have four - I have a total of five in my family. So we have brothers, sisters, split. datum 51 Trump initiates a trouble by saying „I have four‟. Then, he pauses because he considers the information which he said is incorrect. Finally, he manages to make his utterance correct by replacing the old information with the new one. The findings of this repair investigation show that Trump and Anderson as the participants in the talk show Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump, CNN Milwaukee Republican Presidential Town Hall Episode initiate and resolve repairs. According to the finding, they are self-initiated self-repair and other initiated self-repair found as the types of the repair in the research. Meanwhile, from ten patterns suggested by Zhang 1988 and Tang 2011, the researcher only found eight patterns. They are replacement, modification, abandonment, reorganization, specification, elaboration, exemplification, and rewording. However, the researcher also could find two other patterns in Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump , CNN Milwaukee Republican Presidential Town Hall Episode. They were repetition and completion. In addition, not all patterns were found in each type in this research. There were ten patterns found in self-initiated self- repair while there were only three patterns including elaboration, repetition, and completion which can be found in other initiated self-repair. As explained in the findings, there were ten factors which cause the repair to occur in the talk show. They were misheard utterance, misunderstanding, unclear intention, changes in the discussed topic, attempt to take a floor, blank ideas, attempt to give details, emphasis on a statement, wrong choice constituent, and incorrect information delivery. Each factor initiating the repair has its own aim depending on the speaker‟s purpose in the conversation. 62


A. Conclusions

Based on research findings and discussion, the conclusions of this research could be drawn as follows. 1. Concerning the first objective of the study, which is to identify the types of repair that occured in Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump, CNN Milwaukee Republican Presidential Town Hall Episode , there were only two types found in the research, i.e. including self-initiated self-repair and other initiated self- repair. It occurred because the speakers in Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump , CNN Milwaukee Republican Presidential Town Hall Episode mostly do not try to take over the floor in the conversation and uncomplainingly wait for their turns. 2. Regarding the second research question which is to identify the patterns of repair presented by the participants in the talk show Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump , CNN Milwaukee Republican Presidential Town Hall Episode the researcher only found eight patterns. They are replacement, modification, abandonment, reorganization, specification, elaboration, exemplification, and rewording. However, the researcher also could find two other patterns in Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump , CNN Milwaukee Republican Presidential Town Hall Episode . They are repetition and completion. In addition, not all patterns were found in each type in this research. There are