Other-initiated self-repair Types of Repair in Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump, CNN

introduce who the questioner is. From the example above, it can be seen that Anderson as the host does his duty to introduce the person who will give the question. In the example, it seems Anderson chooses the constituent wrongly by saying „He says he’s‟ in his utterance. The researcher noticed that there is a trouble initiated by Anderson because he instantly repairs his own utterance right away after it. He then repairs the trouble by saying „he likes‟. Here, Anderson has done a self-initiated self-repair.

b. Other-initiated self-repair

Unlike a self-initiated self-repair where the speakers notice their own error by themselves and also resolve it right away, other-initiated self-repair occurs because the interlocutor or the other party notices the trouble done by the speaker. Here, each participant in the conversation has their own job to initiate and to solve the problem. The speaker has a duty to resolve the problem that is initiated by hisher interlocutor. The following example shows other-initiated self-repair found in the Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump, CNN Milwaukee Republican Presidential Town Hall Episode. Anderson: Youve suggested you might – Trump: Excuse me, excuse me I didnt suggest. datum 6 From the example above, it can be seen that Anderson as the other party initiates a trouble by stating that Trump actually has suggested that he will press charges a female journalist who grabbed himself in the middle of his campaign agenda. Hearing Anderson‟s statement, Trump immediately responds it by clarifying his statement. Here, Trump solves the repair that is initiated by Anderson. In his utterance, Trump makes a repetition in showing his idea. Another example of other-initiated self-repair also can be seen as follow: Anderson : The state attorneys a Democrat Trump : Excuse me, excuse me. Oh, really? datum 8 Similar with the previous case, here Trump solves a trouble which is initiated by Anderson as his interlocutor. Anderson as the other party is initiating a repair by stating a statement that makes Trump strongly denies his statement regarding who is better to resolve the problem occurs in Middle East. Here, Trump solves the problem which is made by the Anderson. He repeats the word „Excuse me’ to resolve the trouble source. This type of repair is called as other- initiated self -repair. In this research, the researcher also found the other example of this type of repair. Anderson : So you have no problem with Japan and South Korea having nuclear weapons? Trump : At some point we have to say, you know what, were better off if Japan protects itself against this maniac in North Korea, were better off, frankly, if South Korea is going to start to protect itself, datum 25 The example shows an example of other-initiated self-repair done by the speakers in the talk show. Here, Anderson asks Trump a question related to his opinion about Japan and South Korea for having nuclear weapons. In order to prevent a misunderstanding occurring in the conversation, Trump elaborates his answer by saying that Japan and South Korea need to take care themselves from North Korea. In this case, the repair is called as other-initiated self-repair because Anderson as the other party makes a problem and Trump as the speaker solves the problem in the conversation. Another example of other-initiated self-repair is shown in a datum below. Anderson : Do you trust Muslims in America? Trump : Do I what? Anderson : Trust Muslims in America? datum 46 In the example above, Trump is asked by Anderson regarding his idea whether he trusts Muslims in America or not. However, because of the unheard utterance Trump initiates a problem by saying „Do I what?‟ in the middle of conversation. Trump‟s response definitely has impact to Anderson as the speaker. Anderson then repeats his words in order to present the information that is needed by Trump. By doing such an action, Anderson actually solves the problem that occurs in the conversation. In this case, the type of repair that is found is other- initiated self-repair because the other party is the one who initiates a trouble while the speaker who solves it.

2. Patterns of Repair in Anderson Cooper 360: Donald Trump, CNN