Background of the Study


1.1 Background of the Study

Grammar of a language is very important when we want to master a language. In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. There are so many scopes in grammar. Some of them are direct and indirect speech which concern to the way to communicate to the others. Direct speech is a communication activity when people first person share their feelings or messages to the others second person directly. In direct speech the original words of person are narrated no change is made and are enclosed in quotation mark. There are 2 parts in building a direct speech, they are reporting clause and reported clause. Reporting clause is the initial of a sentence in direct speech. Whereas reported clause is the part of direct speech which marked with quotation mark “ and ended by quotation mark ”. In writing direct speech, there are so many rules that we have to obey such as quotation marks, commas, periods, punctuations, and the used of capital words. It is so crucial to follow the rules because in direct speech we have to write the s peaker’s exact words. The easiest way to find the using of direct speech is in conversation because we use it daily in our lives. We use in sharing and talking to our families or even our societies. Someone speaks directly to a person uses direct speech and you talk to your friend use direct speech. So the used of the direct speech is so close to our lives consciously or not. Universitas Sumatera Utara Indirect speech is a communication activity when the speaker second person tries to share the ideas from the first person to the others third person without omitting the message. Indirect speech is also called reported speech or indirect discourse. Grammatically, indirect speech used of certain syntactic structure such as content clause and infinitive phrase. In indirect speech some changes are made. For example, person is changed because of the change of the speaker or the listener. In addition, in some languages such as English, there is a change of tenses which called the sequence of tenses. In some languages such as Latin, there is a change of mood. Latin switches from indicative to the infinitive statement or the subjunctive question. In indirect speech the statement of the person is not enclosed in quotation marks, the word “that” may be used before the statement to show that it is indirect speech. Indirect speech is also called reported speech because reported speech refers to the second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by a person. The researcher felt so interesting to choose this theme and so curious to the ability of the students. There are so many reasons why the researcher choose direct and indirect speech as the title. The main reason is the students have learned about direct and indirect speech and the researcher felt so interesting to measure the ability of the students in this matter. The researcher feels curious about this phenomenon and tries to find the causes of this matter. Direct and indirect speech is one of the topics which can be found in the vocational high school students’ English book. It means that it is needed for the vocational high school students. The students are expected to know and understand this topic which finally can be used in their lives. Universitas Sumatera Utara Mastering language is so important for us but sometimes we will find some errors or mistakes when we analyze it. It usually happens especially when we use the second language. It occurs because the structure, grammar, and syntax of our first and second language are rather different. Error analysis is an activity to identify, classify, and interpret or describe the errors made by someone in speaking or in writing and it is carried out to obtain information on common difficulties faced by someone in speaking or in writing English sentences. Another thing, which should noticed is the procedure of error analysis. The twelfth year students of hospitality accommodation program in SMK Raksana 2 Medan are second language learners, because they study English based on our Government curriculum no. 412. As the second language learners, they will also make errors in using the language in written andor spoken. Researcher has considered that the object of this research is errors made by twelfth year students of hospitality accommodation in SMK Raksana 2 Medan in using Direct and Indirect Speech. Since the purpose of this research is to study errors and to know what generally causing the students make errors. Based on the explanation above, I am interested in doing research entitled “An Error Analysis in Using Direct and Indirect Speech Made by Twelfth Year Students of Hospitality Accommodation Program, SMK Raksana 2 Medan”.

1.2 Problem of the Study