Analysis Instruments Data Collection Data Analysis

3.2 Population and Sample

The population of this research is the 20142015 twelfth year students of hospitality accommodation program in SMK Raksana 2 Medan. There is one class which consists of 33 students. Considering that the number of the students is small, so the researcher decided to take the population as the sample. As Arikunto 2006:413 says “If the population less than 100, it is better to take the population as the sample, if the population more than 100 the researcher has to take 10-15 or 20- 25 or more for the sample.” The population of the research is small. As considering that there is one class in hospitality accommodation. The researcher decided to take the population as the sample. The sample of the research is 33 students. It means the percentage of the sample is 100.

3.3 Analysis Instruments

The analysis instrument which used in this thesis is test. The researcher gives a test to the respondents to measure the ability of understanding direct and indirect speech. The test is consisting of 20 questions which concerns to the specific tenses, they are simple present tense, present continuous tense, simple past tense and present perfect tense.

3.4 Data Collection

Data collection method is done by giving a test to 33 students of twelfth year students in SMK Raksana 2 Medan. The researcher gives a test for the respondents. The test is contained 20 questions. The researcher only gives 60 minutes for the respondents to answer the test. The data sources are students’ answers. Each correct Universitas Sumatera Utara answer was scored 1 and wrong answer was scored 0 so, the highest score is 20. The aims of this test are to analyze the students’ errors and to measure the ability of the students in using direct and indirect speech.

3.5 Data Analysis

The data were analyzed to identify the cause of the problems. In analyzing the students’ errors, the research used some procedures, they were: 1. Scoring the student’s answers The researcher obtained the scoring by applying the following formula by Arikunto 2005:176 S=R Where: S = Score R = Right answer 2. Identifying the students’ errors 3. Classifying the errors 4. Finding of the causes of errors To count the errors in percentage, the researcher is also uses the formula of Bungin 2005:171-172. The formula is: Notes: n = stands for the percentage of errors Fx = stands of the total frequency of the sub-categories errors n = FxN x 100 Universitas Sumatera Utara N = stands for the total errors of all categories 100 = Constant numeral Having counted the percentage of errors, the analyzing the errors was done based on the classification or types of each and was also based on the mixture of errors was made and by looking up the result of the analysis, draw some conclusions. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS

4.1 Description of Data