Boosting Her Self-Esteem The Impacts of Beauty’s Struggles to gain Independence in Patriarchal

1. Boosting Her Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a feeling confident about the actions and decisions that are chosen by every individual. In Wilson’s Cookie, Beauty experiences many kinds of discriminations towards women and female children. The unfair treatments towards women and female children are very dangerous and harmful because it makes them lose their confidence. They do not believe in themselves that they can do something like what men can do. However, Beauty’s struggles against discrimination can give impact towards herself in boosting her self-esteem. “I stared at myself in the mirror. I didn’t look fabulous – but I looked kind of OK. I gave myself a soppy little grin and the girl in the mirror smiled back at me encouragingly” Wilson, 2016: 313. This datum explains Beauty’s belief that she looks good because she is the one who chooses the hairstyle in her new appearance. It is the first time she feels satisfied with her own appearance. Her belief gives an impact to herself when she feels that she looks fine just like other girls. She is successfully erasing her sceptical thought on herself that she feels inferior and afraid whenever she has to interact and meet other people. She always thinks that she is really ugly because her friends always call her name as Ugly Wilson, 2016: 97. Compared with that time, Beauty now gains her confidence and boosts her self- esteem. Her experiences that make her afraid to communicate and to interact have been replaced with new trait that is confidence. Beauty proves that she gains her self-esteem after successfully struggles against discrimination. After she makes a decision to cut her hair short, she feels something different within herself. It is something positive that changes her attitudes in seeing herself. She held up her powder-compact mirror so I could see for myself. I stared at the face in the mirror. I didn’t look a bit like me. I stuck my tongue out just to make sure it was me, and the mirror girl stuck her tongue out too. I looked so different. My face seemed so much smaller with its smooth cap of honey- coloured hair. I didn’t look especially fashionable or grown up, but for the first time ever I felt I looked like me. Wilson, 2016: 278 The datum above shows Beauty’s feeling when she realizes that her hairstyle gives a positive impact on herself. She looks very different in new hairstyle that makes her appearance look like a grown up girl. Her decision to cut her hair gives a good impact on her way of seeing herself. It is the moment where she really looks like herself. It implies that Beauty feels confident with her new appearance because she chooses this appearance based on her own consents. It gives impact on encouraging herself to be what she really is. Her attitude about her self-esteem can be seen from the quotation below. The datum below shows Beauty’s feeling when she feels like a new person. She thinks that this condition marks her changing. From this revolutionary moment, she wants to be a new person that has good traits. Therefore, she is ready to introduce the new image of herself to other people. Mum smiled, Dawn smiled, the baby smiled – and Mike mimed that he was struck dumb by this vision of beauty before him. I wondered if I really was a new person now. Maybe this was the start of a whole new me. Cookie, cool and confident . . . Wilson, 2016: 278 The quotation above shows that Beauty is ready to face her new phase of life. She is r eady to introduce her new Beauty’s image that is more confident and positive. She wants to introduce her new image as cookie, cool and confident. It implies that Beauty is ready to face the society where she lives with her appearances which are cool and confident and her ability in making delicious Bunny cookies. Beauty is challenged to show herself in front of many people. She should deal not only with people around them, but also the whole society. When Beauty is invited to be one the guests in Watchbox, she says to her mother that she will go even though she ever feels doubt with her decision. ‘I’m sorry too, Beauty. I just got so excited I forgot you’d find it a terrible ordeal. It’s OK, you don’t have to go on the silly old programme.’ ‘But I will,’ I said. ‘I’ll do it, Mum – for us. To advertise Bunny Cookies. I’ll probably be absolute rubbish on the telly and you’ll die of embarrassment, but I’ll give it a go, OK?’ Wilson, 2016: 305 The quotation above signifies Beauty has confidence to go on Watchbox because she wants to help her mother. She has strong motivation that makes her able to overcome her fear. Even though she thinks that her appearance will be embarrassing, she still wants to try it. She wants to promote her mother’s cookies and help her expands Bunny Cookies successfully accepted by the society. In Wilson’s Cookie, Beauty has to deal with different kinds of oppression. She makes her experiences many cruel things. After she successfully struggles against it, she is not afraid anymore to meet and to interact with other people. She has courage to show herself in the public with a new image that she creates. Her efforts have impact on gaining her full confidence. Therefore, her struggles can give significant impact towards her and her mother. Both of them become brave to fight and survive under discrimination.

2. Improving Her Pride