Violence Gender Discrimination toward Women

Table 1: women and men common stereotypes No. Common Gender Stereotypes Associated with Women Common Gender Stereotypes Associated with Men 1. submissive aggressive 2. emotional no emotions 3. quiet loud 4. neat messy 5. clean athletic 6. clumsy math and science oriented 7. artsy money maker

d. Violence

Violence is the most visible and obvious form of discrimination that sometimes can be seen physically. Fakih argues violence as an attack or assault toward physical and mental psychology of a person 2008: 18. Violence is the effects of gender discrimination where women suffer psychologically and physically. The United Nations in FRA , 2014: 9 also defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely result in, physical abuse, sexual abuse or emotional abuse harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.” Violence threats women in many different forms which make them suffer sexually, physically and psychologically. Violence makes women lose their freedom since it forces women to be under men’s control. As a result, women lose their liberty and live in unpleasant condition. In other words, violence is harmful and it makes women suffering in many life aspects. According to Ganley 1995: 18-21, there are four types of violence behaviour that often occur in both domestic and public sphere. The first and the most visible violence is physical violence. It has different form that includes beating, kicking and slapping. The second type of violence is sexual violence that is often occurs in family and society in the form of pressured sex, sexual assault and marital rape and any sexual activity that force without consent. The next type of violence is psychological violence which is the form of violence that hurts and affects the dignity of women. It includes threat, isolation, words ferocity, and any action that result to psychological distress. The last type of violence is economic violence. It includes limiting, preventing and exploiting amount of economic resources of women. Even though women are suffering badly from violence, they are afraid to talk about this issue. They think that it only makes them more suffering, indeed it makes them devastated. Violence towards women occurs because of different gender perception, the condition where society puts women in lower position than men. Brownmiller in Walby, 1990: 134 argues, “male violence is the result of the basis of men’s control over women.” Men’s control over women makes men thought that they are allowed to use violence to settle the problems because they thought that they have masculine traits. Masculine traits that they possess make them have limitless power over women. Men perform violence toward women in anywhere and toward anyone despite their age and background. As a result, women are really suffering and it will cause different effects on women. Most of women who suffer from violence should cope with negative impacts of it such as trauma, feeling vulnerable, anxiety and loss; and the worse effect is suicide. Walby 1990: 128 states that male violence is widely considered to be “individually motivated and have few social consequences” such as trauma. Violence towards women is consciously done by men because men choose and triggered to do that over women to show their power and authority. However, men do not realize that doing violence acts will make women suffer from trauma that will last in women’s life. The effect of the trauma could be worse because it makes women feel desperate and devastated with their condition, at worst it can cause suicide. In other words, violence is very harmful because it hurts and causes many effects over women. Most of the effects of violence make women traumatized and haunted by the experience that they have been trough physically, sexually, psychologically and economically. Therefore, violence in any kinds of forms are dangerou s and terminate women’s life.

e. Work Load