Expressing Her Opinion Gaining Consciousness

made, proves that female child has ability to think logically and rationally to change her condition. Beauty becomes a female child who is not dependent anymore because she can overcome all of her problems by her own and she is able to make decisions for both, herself and her mother.

c. Expressing Her Opinion

Patriarchal society does not give opportunity for women to express their opinion. The society does not consider or notice women’s voice because they think women do not have any rights to express their thought or opinion. Women should be dependent on men for every decisions and commands they have made. As a result, women do not have the chance to express their personal opinion. It makes the society does not realize the problems and the feelings that women have while they suffer living under patriarchy control. Therefore, women are still being discriminated if they do not struggle to voice their opinion. In the novel, Beauty used to obey what her father says. She rarely expresses her own opinion because she is afraid it will make her father angry. After she decides to leave the house, she has the opportunity to express her opinion. She feels safe to express her opinion because her father cannot threaten, insult or humiliate her. When she lives with her father, Beauty becomes the object of oppression. Her friends called her as Ugly. It makes her feels sad and angry. After she moves, Beauty does not want anyone to bully her again in her new school. Therefore, she thinks she can make her friends call her as Cookie. ‘It wasn’t posh, it was quite tough, but they didn’t like me there either. They all had a belly laugh at my name too.’ ‘And you’re worried that’s what will happen at Seahaven?’ ‘Yep. Unless I can make them call me something else, like Cookie.’ Wilson, 2016: 274-275 The quotation above shows that Beauty has courage to express her opinion to someone. She feels that she has freedom to utter her opinion in Rabbit Cove because her father is not around to humiliate or insult her. She has the freedom to vocalize her opinion without any boundaries. Therefore, she wants her friends in Seahaven Primary to call her as Cookie to prevent the bullying. The opportunity that Beauty has to express her opinion encourages her to deliver her personal thought to other people. When she and her mother discuss about the brand for cookie that they have made, she gives her opinion about her mother’s choice. ‘What shall I put?’ ‘I don’t know. Dilly’s Cookies?’ ‘That sounds too much like those cookies you can buy, Millie’s Cookies. People wil l think you’re copying. How about Bunny Cookies? Then I can draw little white rabbits scampering round and round at the edges of the sign.’ ‘OK, then, Bunny Cookies it is,’ said Mum. Wilson, 2016: 292 The datum above maintains to say that Beauty has a brilliant idea in helping her mother to choose the brand for their cookie. She says that her mother’s choice with “Dilly’s Cookie” is too common and not special. She suggests a new brand that she thinks more special and suitable with the shape of the cookie that is Bunny Cookies. Her mother thinks her idea is good and she agrees to use the brand that Beauty suggests. Beauty likes watching Rabbit Hutch, TV programme for kids, and she likes drawing the characters, Sam and Lily secretly. She is afraid her friends know that she watches and likes a silly baby programme. She never dares send her paintings to the programme because if her friends know, they will bully her. After Beauty leaves her old neighbourhood, she lives in a place where there is no one who judges and mocks what she does especially her painting. When Beauty has the opportunity to give her painting to the real Sam and Lily, she bravely says that she draws the pictures for them. ‘I drew them all for you,’ I whispered. ‘I never dared send any because I was scared you’d think me a silly baby.’ ‘Maybe you’d like to give Sam and Lily one of your paintings now?’ said Miranda. Wilson, 2016: 318 The datum above signifies that Beauty bravely says what she has in her mind. She says it in a low voice, but she is brave enough to say something about her paintings in front of many people. She also dares say about the stigma that she will get when she draws the picture. This explanation shows that Beauty successfully overcomes her problems related to the discrimination that she ever receives when she lives with her father. She does not feel shy and afraid anymore to express what she really thinks and wants upon something.

2. Being Bond in Sisterhood