Women’s Look are Determined

a. Women’s Look are Determined

Patriarchal system believed by a society limits women’s rights to make decision on their own because women are seen as incapable in making decision. It restricts women’s rights to choose what they want and get their freedom. In this system, men control and determine every detail in women’s lives including making decision for women’s look. In the novel, Beauty’s father insists to determine Beauty’s look because it represents his wealth and power. ‘Don’t do that,’ said Dad, lightly tapping my mouth. He frowned at my teeth. ‘They’re sticking out more, Beauty. We’re definitely going to have to get you fitted out with braces.’ ‘I don’t want braces,’ I mumbled. ‘You don’t want to end up looking like Bugs Bunny, do you?’ said Dad, pulling a silly rabbit face, making his own teeth protrude. … ‘Nonsense She needs perfect choppers, all girls do,’ said Dad. Wilson, 2016: 19 The datum above shows that Beauty’s father does not like what Beauty does. He thinks it makes Beauty’s appearance worse because her teeth are not in a good shape and it will make her look like a rabbit. Then, he decides to make Beauty get braces even though Beauty says she does not like it. Beauty’s father thinks that all girls need to get braces to have perfect shape of teeth because it will make them look beautiful. Thus, it means that men decide anything that they think it is suitable for women in order to make them look beautiful and women do not have the rights to refuse it. Subordination forces women to do something that men decide for them. Men never consider women’s choice because they think that they are more capable in making decision for them. Therefore, men make women do anything that they want. In Cookie, Beauty’s father insists on changing Beauty’s hairstyle with primp and twiddle even though Beauty hates the hairstyle. ‘You girls have to suffer a bit for your looks,’ he said, chomping, his tongue and teeth coated with tomato sauce. ‘I know Take her to the hairdresser’s Saturday morning, get them to primp and twiddle with her hair, do it up fancy- like.’ ‘Well . . .’ Mum saw my desperate expression. ‘I don’t think we’d be able to get her an appointment at the hairdresser’s at such short notice.’ ‘Oh, Dilly, why are you always so hopeless? Look, get Beauty along there when they open and insist on an appointment. You could do with getting your hair done yourself, it’s a bit’ – he made wobbly gestures with his hands – ‘sort of tired.’ Wilson, 2016: 60 The quotation above shows that Beauty’s father decides the hairstyle that Beauty should have to attend Rhona’s birthday party. He wants Beauty to have primp and twiddle because he thinks it is suitable for Beauty and looks classy. He still insists that Beauty should go to the hairdresser and change her hairstyle even though Beauty and her mother try to stop him. He also insists that her wife should get a new hairstyle too with the style that is already determined by him. This happens because Beauty’s father thinks that he has the rights to make decision over his daughter and his wife by choosing the things that are ri ght and suitable for them. Men’s determination over women’s rights to make decisions prevents women from getting everything that they want to have in their own lives.

b. Women Ways of Dressing Up are Determined