Data Collection Technique RESEARCH METHOD

discrimination faced by Beauty, the struggles does by Beauty and the impact of her struggles to gain independence.

C. Research Instruments

There were two kinds of research instruments used in this research. The first research instrument was primary instrument. Since it is a qualitative research, the primary instrument is the researcher herself. As stated by Creswell 2007: 38 in qualitative research, the researchers collect the data themselves by “examining documents, observing behaviour, and interviewing participants.” The researcher is the one who has to gather, collect and interpret the data. The researcher will not use other sources or other kinds of instruments such as questionnaires developed by the other researchers. In other words, the researchers will use hisher own capability to collect, examine and analyze the data. The second instrument in this research was the secondary instrument. The secondary instrument was any supporting tools and devices that supported the data collection and the data analysis. The tools and devices are in the form of data sheet, computer, book, pen and internet to support the data processing. These instruments used as the help for the researcher to identify and to analyze the data.

D. Data Collection Technique

In this research there were two steps in collecting the data done by the researcher. The first step was the process of reading and rereading the data source to get deep understanding in analysing the data. The process was done through reading Jacqueline Wilson’s novel Cookie line by line then it is continued by repeating to read line by line until the researcher gets deeper understanding. To get more understanding about gender discrimination faced by female children character the researcher read and rereading the secondary data. The researcher read any books related to the issues of gender discrimination and women’s struggle. The process of reading and rereading line by line helped the researcher to understand the texts related to the objectives. The second step was related to the data sheets. The researcher was collecting, classifying and analysing the data into the data sheets. First, the researcher highlighted and noted the data related to the objectives. This process was done by rewriting the data presented in the form of words, clauses, phrases and sentences related to Beauty’s struggles against gender discrimination and the pages where the data were taken. Second, the data were classified based on the categorization of the objectives. Therefore, there were three data classification in this research: 1 kinds of gender discriminations faced by Beauty in patriarchal society 2 the struggles that Beauty does to fight against gender discrimination in patriarchal society 3 the impact of the struggles that Beauty does to gain independence. The researcher marked bold some parts of the data to emphasize the categories which made the researcher easier to understand. The classification of the data was presented below: Table 2: The Example of the Data List No Page Data Category Sub-Category 1. 23 ‘You come on like Miss Smarty Pants but I SAY YOU’RE THICK,’ said Dad, jabbing me in the back at every word. Violence Psychological Violence 16. 59 ‘Beauty’s not wearing jeans to a party,’ said Dad. ‘No, she’ll wear her little pink number.’ Subordination Women Ways of Dressing were Determined

E. Data Analysis Technique