Stereotype Gender Discrimination toward Women

Subordination of women also occurs in some public facilities. As stated by Sen 2010: 5 in most part of the world, women “receive less attention and health care than men” whereas girls “acquire less support than boys.” It means that not only women that receive subordination, young girls also suffer from subordination but in different form. Discrimination towards girls happens since they are young. For example, boys get more attention and care from the family compared to girls. Boys will get more previleges and opprtunities in getting access to be involved in social activities, on the other hand, girls are often prohibited to do what they want because their family limit their access to join public activities. It can be concluded, that patrairchy makes women and young girls suffering from different types of subrodination in public and family institutions.

c. Stereotype

Stereotype is labeling or classifying a group which leads into negative and injustice acts Fakih, 2008: 17. There are many stereotypes that are made by society and labelled to certain group of people. Some of the stereotypes are based on gender which is called as gender stereotype. The stereotypes consist of social norms that demand women and men to behave in different ways. Stereotype constructs women and men behavior to act in the society based on the norm. The common role for women and men has been formed distinctively to differentiate them. Aksu, 2005: 14. Gender stereotype is the cause of gender discrimination which sees women having the opposite of men stereotype such as weak and less intelligent. Beauvoir in Atwood, 2007: 261 explains “stereotype or patterns of feminine” behavior creates a false authority and entraps women in certain models or image. Women will be judged by the society having such negative traits and they will determine the role that suits with the traits. Unfortunately, the role that women get neglects the rights that they should have. Thus, stereotype limits and weakens women in many life aspects and it makes them suffering. Women suffer from many unfair treatments because of negative label that society makes for women. Fakih states 2008: 17 when women experience sexual abuse or sexual ha rassment, society will blame women because of woman’s stereotype in which women are falsely belief to dress up to attract men’s attention. This stereotype towards women is actually wrong, because women dress up is not merely to attract men but it can be to satisfy women themselves. They make themselves looking beautiful to build confident and sense of proud toward themselves for being a woman. According to Brennon 2004: 160 “gender stereotype is very influential because it affects conceptualization of women and men and establishes social categories for gender.” The categories represent society thought, even when the beliefs are different from the reality. The stereotype can be a powerful force in judgment of self and others since it forced the object to belief in a certain label. Women stereotype occurs because women are judged by society, family or even by themselves to have certain stereotype. Aksu 2015: 13-14 divides women and men stereotype into some common stereotypes: Table 1: women and men common stereotypes No. Common Gender Stereotypes Associated with Women Common Gender Stereotypes Associated with Men 1. submissive aggressive 2. emotional no emotions 3. quiet loud 4. neat messy 5. clean athletic 6. clumsy math and science oriented 7. artsy money maker

d. Violence