Strengthening Her Friendship The Impacts of Beauty’s Struggles to gain Independence in Patriarchal

make such delicious and phenomenal cookies. She also feels proud with the cookies because it has cute and unique Bunny’s shape. Fortunately, her efforts to struggle and to not give up in making cookies has great result and it makes her feel proud with all the things she does to help her. Thus, her efforts make her pride improved. At first, Beauty does not realize about her capability. She always feels inferior about herself especially something related to her appearance. Along with the struggles that she does, she gets more experiences. It makes her feel proud with the results that she gets after she struggles to change her conditions. She also makes her mother realize that she has a capability and ability that can make her life better.

3. Strengthening Her Friendship

Beauty’s struggles give a lot of impacts in the development of her character. At first, Beauty always feels inferior whenever she meet people, especially her friends. She limits her interactions with her friends at school by locking herself in the toilet during the break time and spending her time to read a book inside the toilet by herself Wilson, 2016: 46. However, after she struggles against the discriminations, she has more courage to strengthen her friendship. It makes her able to interact and to make friends in her new environment. Once, Beauty feels pessimistic with her new school, but with the support that her mother and Mike give, she is able to have good relationship with all of her friends in her new school. Then we shared our packed lunches. Princess had chicken in hers, and a special little pot of rice and peas. I just had cheese sandwiches and an apple – but Mum had made a special batch of cookies on Sunday. She’d found a little rabbit cookie cutter in amongst a whole load of kitchen junk at the Sunday car-boot fair at the Rabbit Cove community centre . She’d made her first bunny batch of cookies last night, and given them white icing fur. I had two in my lunch bag so I gave one to Princess. ‘Oh wow, bunny cookies’ she said. ‘They are so cute They taste great too. I’m so glad you’re my friend, Beauty.’ Wilson, 2016: 289 The quotation above shows Beauty maintains a good relationship with her friends in the new school. She has a good friend in her first day at school named Princess. They share their lunch together, and Beauty also shares her cookies with her and all of her friends at school. Her cookies create a good impact on her friendship because all of her friends like it and they want to share their food with the cookies. As a result, Beauty has many friends around her who like her and like the taste of the cookies Beauty feels happy because she is able to strengthen her friendship in her new school and no one bullies her, unlike in her old school where almost all of the students bully her. Beauty maintains her friendship by sharing cookies with her best friend, Princess and become the founding member of UNCle. It also encourages Beauty to get close with the other friends and to give them her cookies. I started off just sharing cookies with my best friend and fellow UNCle, Princess, but soon I started taking a little bag of cookies each day and handing them round to anyone who seemed left out or lonely. Then the whole school got involved in raising money for some poor children in Africa. We were told to bring in cakes and biscuits to sell to each other at lunch time. Wilson, 2016: 291 The above datum signifies Beauty uses her ability in making cookies to share happiness and to make her friends accept her. She wants all of her friends to accept her without judging her physical appearance or other things on her. Her efforts make Beauty’s friends like to be friends with her because she is kind. As a result, Beauty does not have any inferior feeling towards herself anymore because her new friends like her just the way she is. She also successfully strengthens her friendship with all of her classmates in her new school. For Beauty, strengthening her friendship with her new friends is very important because it makes her feel accepted and acknowledged in the society. She does not get any rejection and bully from anyone in the school and in the neighbourhood. It shows that her struggles to get her freedom in social sphere have good impacts towards herself where she feels that she is accepted by her friends and she feels valuable with all the things that she has in her.

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