Improving Her Pride The Impacts of Beauty’s Struggles to gain Independence in Patriarchal

significant impact towards her and her mother. Both of them become brave to fight and survive under discrimination.

2. Improving Her Pride

Beauty’s struggles against gender discrimination have significant impacts not only to boost her self-esteem, but also to improve her pride. Pride is a feeling of satisfaction for achieving good results after doing something. This feeling can be achieved after someone uses their efforts to accomplish their goal. Pride can be felt if someone acknowledges their efforts and capabilities in accomplishing the goal. Beauty’s struggles are able to encourage her mother. She has the capability and ability to change the bad condition. She improves her feeling of pride after she realizes the things and efforts that she does with her mother to overcome all of their problems. ‘Are you really happy, Mum?’ ‘Yes. Well, sometimes I still wonder if I’m crazy, if we’ve done the right thing. I worry about what’s right for you.’ ‘I think we’ve done exactly the right thing.’ Wilson, 2016: 294 The quotation above portrays that Beauty and her mother feel pride with the effort they made to fight against discrimination of her father. She feels proud of herself because she does something right for her and her mother’s lives. She acknowledges her effort and capability to help her mother survive through many difficulties. She does not feel that her decision is wrong because she and her mother feel happy with their new condition. She never feels disappointed with the decision to leave the house because it brings her in to a new world that provides freedom. Beauty’s pride arises when she cooperates with her mother to make cookies. She gets a new skill that she learns independently with her mother that is cooking skill. It is portrayed in the datum below. ‘I know one thing,’ said Mum. ‘I’m not really on my own. I’ve got you, babes. I couldn’t manage without you. We’re a team, you and me, Beauty.’ Mum and I were a real team when it came to cookie baking. Wilson, 2016: 296 This quotation illustrates how proud Beauty and her mother are to have each other. Beauty accompanies her mother through the bad things that happen in their life and vice versa. It makes them become a team that helps each other to survive in the worse condition in their lives. Beauty feels proud with the results that she made after she works hard and struggles to survive in a new place. Beauty’s struggles also make Beauty feels proud with her efforts to help her mother to gain money by making cookies. She tells the public from the TV show that she and her mother are great in making cookies. ‘Hey hey, stop messing about, you two,’ said Miranda. ‘OK, Beauty, tell us how to make your special bunny cookies. I hear they’ve become ever so popular where you live, in Rabbit Cove. That’s a lovely name’ ‘It’s a lovely place. It’s the seaside and it’s so special,’ I said, suddenly not shy at all. ‘My mum’s great at making all sorts of cookies and I’m her number-one helper. Now we specialize in making these bunny cookies with this special cutter.’ Wilson, 2016: 315 The datum above shows how proud Beauty is living in Rabbit Cove and able to make special bunny cookies. She is very proud with her mother and herself to be able to make such delicious and phenomenal cookies. She also feels proud with the cookies because it has cute and unique Bunny’s shape. Fortunately, her efforts to struggle and to not give up in making cookies has great result and it makes her feel proud with all the things she does to help her. Thus, her efforts make her pride improved. At first, Beauty does not realize about her capability. She always feels inferior about herself especially something related to her appearance. Along with the struggles that she does, she gets more experiences. It makes her feel proud with the results that she gets after she struggles to change her conditions. She also makes her mother realize that she has a capability and ability that can make her life better.

3. Strengthening Her Friendship