A. Research Design

To make a research becomes reliable and scientific, it is important to create a research design. Research design helps the researcher to accomplish the aims of the research. This research used qualitative research design instead of quantitative research design because this research does not deal with calculations and measurements. The data from this research were taken from Jacqueline Wilson’s Cookie novel in the forms of words, phrases, clauses and sentences. The approach of qualitative and quantitative research are quite different, while quantitative research relies on statistic measurement on one variable to another variable, qualitative research focuses more on the interpretation of the research participants who are the researchers and other people who are involved in the research. Vanderstoep and Johnston 2009: 167 state that the purpose of qualitative research is descriptive . People’s interpretation about the problems becomes the main elements in this research therefore, the data are in the form of descriptions. To describe the data, people used their experience, knowledge and background. It is possible to have different interpretation from one people to another about the problems that are discussed in the research. Description is the source to get deeper understanding about the interpretation of the research participants. To analyze the data, content analysis method was used by the researcher. According to Neuman 2007: 20, content analysis is a technique to study the information from ‘written and symbolic materials’. It means that content analysis is a method to analyze the data in the form of text. The text used under analysis are vary in form. Kondracki and Wellman in Hsieh and Shannon, 2005 explain the data can be in the form of verbal, printed, or electronic material and the data might be obtained from “narrative response, open-ended survey questions, interviews, focus groups, observations, or print media such as articles, books, or manuals.” Since the data in this research were presented in the form of text, content analysis was the best method used to collect and to analyze the data regarding female children’s struggles against gender discrimination in patriarchal society.

B. Data and Sources of the Data