Data and Sources of the Data Research Instruments

To analyze the data, content analysis method was used by the researcher. According to Neuman 2007: 20, content analysis is a technique to study the information from ‘written and symbolic materials’. It means that content analysis is a method to analyze the data in the form of text. The text used under analysis are vary in form. Kondracki and Wellman in Hsieh and Shannon, 2005 explain the data can be in the form of verbal, printed, or electronic material and the data might be obtained from “narrative response, open-ended survey questions, interviews, focus groups, observations, or print media such as articles, books, or manuals.” Since the data in this research were presented in the form of text, content analysis was the best method used to collect and to analyze the data regarding female children’s struggles against gender discrimination in patriarchal society.

B. Data and Sources of the Data

The data source in this research was Jacqueline Wilson’s Cookie published in 2008 by Penguin Random House. The data used were words, phrases, clauses and sentences related to kinds of discrimination faced by Beauty in patriarchal society, Beauty’s struggles against gender discrimination in patriarchal society and the impact of Beauty’s struggles to gain independence which are depicted in Jacqueline Wilson’s Cookie. These significant representations used to portray the issue of gender discrimination experienced by female child character, Beauty. To accomplish the aims of this research, the interpretation of the data was needed to be done. The interpretations were needed in analyzing the data related to the kinds of gender discrimination faced by Beauty, the struggles does by Beauty and the impact of her struggles to gain independence.

C. Research Instruments

There were two kinds of research instruments used in this research. The first research instrument was primary instrument. Since it is a qualitative research, the primary instrument is the researcher herself. As stated by Creswell 2007: 38 in qualitative research, the researchers collect the data themselves by “examining documents, observing behaviour, and interviewing participants.” The researcher is the one who has to gather, collect and interpret the data. The researcher will not use other sources or other kinds of instruments such as questionnaires developed by the other researchers. In other words, the researchers will use hisher own capability to collect, examine and analyze the data. The second instrument in this research was the secondary instrument. The secondary instrument was any supporting tools and devices that supported the data collection and the data analysis. The tools and devices are in the form of data sheet, computer, book, pen and internet to support the data processing. These instruments used as the help for the researcher to identify and to analyze the data.

D. Data Collection Technique