Previous Research Findings LITRATURE REVIEW

point of views about children positions and roles to give understanding to female children about the experiences of discrimination and women positions in patriarchal society.

C. Previous Research Findings

There are some relevant studies conducted in analysing both feminism and children’s literature. The researches have the same focus that is identifying feminist quality in children’s literature. The first research is Bethany S. Wester’s ‘At Home We Work Together: Domestic Feminism and Patriarchy in Little Women’ conducted in 2005. The aims of this study are to examine how the roles of patriarchy and domesticity in Alcott’s private life and in Little Women, emphasizes the transcendentalist thinking that surrounded Alcott in her childhood and how it subsequently infiltrates the novel, explores the role of the struggling female artist in Little Women and how the fictional characters’ struggles reflect Alcott’s own problems as a female writer in a patriarchal society and Alcott’s reformist ideas and the reformist issues that surface in Little Women. This research focuses on domestic feminism and patriarchy presented in Little Women. Alcott assumed that women should be able to choose the way for their future, whether that included marriage, career, or else, without the threat of being alienated by the society. This research concludes in Little Women, the March family serves as an example of a reformed, egalitarian family in which women exercise self-reliance, employ their non-domestic talents, and still maintain their femininity. The second research is an undergraduate thesis by Endah Ratnasari in 2015 entitled Parvana’s Struggle against Gender Equality in Taliban Society: A Feminist Children’s Literature Study. This research focuses on the main character’s struggles, Parvana, a female child who lives in the cruellest patriarchal society, Taliban group. This research reveals the harms caused by gender inequality, the struggle of Parvana against gender inequality and the significant meaning of the struggle. The results show that Parvana suffers from three harms of gender discrimination that are fear and lack of confidence, desperation and unwillingness to struggle and dependency. She also does some struggles to fight against gender inequality and get some significant meanings from the struggles. The third research is a feminist study about gender discrimination from Nurul Istikomah entitled Women’s Attitudes towards Gender Discrimination in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns; an undergraduate thesis in 2015. The aims of this research are to identify the kinds of gender discrimination and women’s attitudes on facing gender discrimination. In addition, this research focuses on the expression depicted to express the form of gender discrimination and women’s attitudes. The result of this research show four types of gender discrimination suffered by the characters, which are violence, subordination, stereotype, and marginalization and it also, reveals the attitudes toward gender discrimination such as acceptance and struggle. The three works above have the same focuses that are about feminism in literature. However, the way the author analyses the works are different. Bethany S. Wester ’s deals with feminist view in one of the timeless children’s literature, Little Women. It focuses on analysis toward domestic feminism and patriarchy in Little Women. Some agree that Hermione is a dependant and weak whereas some others believe that Hermione is independent and strong. Whereas Endah Ratnasari is analysing the struggle of Parvana against Taliban society in order to gain gender equality. She depicts the harms of gender inequality and the struggle of the main character to change the condition of women in that society. On the other hand, Nurul Istikomah deals with discrimination in strong control of patriarchal society where women suffer from different kinds of discrimination. She identifies the acceptant and the struggle of the women. The researcher believes that there are some issues that have not been discussed by those three studies. The issues are about gender discrimination faced by female child in modern patriarchal society, the struggles of female and the impacts of struggle against gender discrimination. This research which is entitled “Beauty’s Struggles against Gender Discrimination in Patriarchal Society in Jaqueline Wilson’s Cookie” will analyse the kinds of gender discrimination suffered by female child, the struggles to cope with the problems and the impact of the female child struggles in diminishing gender discrimination. The approach used in this study is feminist literary criticism featured with the theory of children’s literature that consists with children and children’s empowerment theory. The researcher will focus on the action of the main character to reveal the child struggles against gender discrimination. D. Theoretical Framework Jacqueline Wilson’s Cookie Objective 1: kinds of gender discrimination faced by Beauty in patriarchal society in Jacqueline Wilson’s Cookie Objective 2: Beauty ’s struggles against gender discrimination in patriarchal society in Jacqueline Wilson’s Cookie Objective 3: the impacts of Beauty’s struggles to gain independence in Jacqueline Wilson’s Cookie Feminism and Postfeminism: - Patriarchy - Gender Discrimination a. Marginalization b. Subordination c. Stereotype d. Violence e. Work Load - Struggle’s against Gender Discrimination - Feminist Literary Criticism Gender Discrimination in Patriarchal Society Children’s Literature: - Children in Children’s Literature - Children’s Empowerment - Feminism in children’s Literature - Children’s Powerlessness Beauty’s Struggles against Gender Discrimination in Patriarchal Society depicted in Jacqueline Wilson’s Cookie 61


A. Research Design

To make a research becomes reliable and scientific, it is important to create a research design. Research design helps the researcher to accomplish the aims of the research. This research used qualitative research design instead of quantitative research design because this research does not deal with calculations and measurements. The data from this research were taken from Jacqueline Wilson’s Cookie novel in the forms of words, phrases, clauses and sentences. The approach of qualitative and quantitative research are quite different, while quantitative research relies on statistic measurement on one variable to another variable, qualitative research focuses more on the interpretation of the research participants who are the researchers and other people who are involved in the research. Vanderstoep and Johnston 2009: 167 state that the purpose of qualitative research is descriptive . People’s interpretation about the problems becomes the main elements in this research therefore, the data are in the form of descriptions. To describe the data, people used their experience, knowledge and background. It is possible to have different interpretation from one people to another about the problems that are discussed in the research. Description is the source to get deeper understanding about the interpretation of the research participants.