Type of Research RESEARCH METHOD

and John Macaliste Learning Needs 5 Input 10,11,12,13 To find out the topic, the length of the text which is ideal for them Nunan 2004: 47 6 Procedures 14,15 To find out the activities that the students like the most Nunan 2004: 52 7 Setting 16 To find out the setting of doing tasks that the students like most Nunan 2004: 70 8 Teacher’s Role 17 To find the information that the teacher should perform Nunan 2004: 64 9 Learner’s Role 18 To find the information about the role of the students Nunan 2004: 64 Then, the second questionnaire was given to the eveluator to evaluate the materials which were developed. It was organized based on the criteria standard of BSNP . There are some criteria which were evaluated related to the materials. They include 1 content, 2 language, 3 presentation, and 4 graphic. There are also two types of questions given to the evaluator. First is the close- ended questions which describe the central tendency of the material expert. The second is the open-ended questions which are addressed to the evaluator to deliver his opinion and suggestion related to the materials.

F. The Data Analysis Techniques of the Research

The data analysis is needed to be used in this research. The planning of the data analysis consists of what needs to be done with the data obtained and how it is processed and analyzed. 1 First Questionnaire This questionnaire was used in the needs analysis process. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed through calculating the percentage of each answer by following the formula: Where: P : Percentage F : frequency N : Total of Respondents 100 : Fixed Number The highest percentage of the answers on each question was considered to develop the listening materials. 2 Second Questionnaire This questionnaire was distributed to the evaluator. It uses Likert-Scale as the measurement. The result of the questionnaire was calculated by using the formula proposed by Suharto 2006: 52-53 Where: R : Range Xh : The Highest Score Xl : The Lowest Score 4 : The Range of Likert-Scale R= Xh - Xl 4 Percentage = fN 100