Background of the Study

to help the students to sharpen their listening skill. The listening activities are not enough.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the problems that the researcher found, this study focuses in conducting materials to be used in the learning process. There are some reasons why the researcher chose to develop the listening materials. First, there are not enough materials to support the listening skill. The new curriculum only provides very limited listening materials. We can say that the listening skill is overshadowed by the other skills. Beside s, the listening inputs are only the teacher’s voice and the other students’ voices during presentation. Of course, those inputs are not enough. There should be other inputs spoken by native speaker of English language. Then, there are other problems found during the observation such as students’ problem with grammatical mistakes, limited vocabularies, familiarity with English language, and incorrect pronunciation. Second, there are many advantages that can be gained by doing listening activities. It can improve students’ vocabularies, provides good example for pronunciation, and gives the opportunity to learn grammar indirectly. Then, listening inputs also give models for the students to learn about suprasegmental elements such as speed, stress, accent, and intonation. These things can only be learnt by doing listening activities. Those advantages can help the students to improve the other language skills as well. Third, it improves students ’ familiarity with English language. It gives good influence for students’ communication skill. A good communication can be made when the listener understand what the speaker says. Students ability to recognize the words that they hear helps them to develop smooth conversation.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problems, there are two major problems which can be formulated. The first research question is “What are the target needs and learning needs of the eighth-grade students of SMP N 14 Yogyakarta?” Then, the second question is “What are the strategies to develop the listening materials?”

E. Objective of the Study

In relation to the formulation of the problem above, this study has two objectives. First is to find the target needs and learning needs of the eighth-grade students of SMPN 14 Yogyakarta. Second is to develop proper listening materials which are suitable for Grade VIII students of SMPN 14 Yogyakarta.

F. Significance of the Study

The results of this study concern three points. First, it provides proper listening materials for the eighth-grade students of SMPN 14 Yogyakarta. Then, the second significance is that this research provides information and supplementary effective listening materials for the English teacher at SMPN 14 Yogyakarta to be used in the teaching and learning process. Third, it also provides other researchers some inputs for their research. 7


A. Theoretical Review

This chapter consists of theories related to the research. It becomes the references in developing the listening materials for the eighth-grade students of SMPN 14 Yogyakarta. There are five main parts discussed in this chapter. Those are theories about listening skill, theories about the teaching and learning process based on 2013 curriculum, theories about material development, theories about tasks, and the last is theories about listening tasks. The details of every part can be seen as follows.

1. Listening

a. The Nature of Listening

1 Definition This part presents the definition of listening. Marc and Steven 2007 look at several scientists’ ideas and find out that there are similarities in their definition of listening. All the definitions use the word ‘active’ and ‘construct’. So, actually listening is more than just the act to decode the input that the listeners hear. It is an active process where the listeners get the information from the visual and the auditory cues and relate it to the knowledge that they already have. During the process of listening, the listeners do two kinds of activities: to select and to interpret. To select means the listeners use only parts of the incoming information to understand the inputs. Whereas, to interpret means to catch the sense of the inputs by using background knowledge