Defining Tasks The tasks

Table 2.2. Goal Types Goal Type Example Communicative Establish and maintain interpersonal relations and through this to exchange information, ideas, opinions, attitudes, and feelings and to get things done Sociocultural Have some understanding of the everyday life patterns of their contemporary age group in the target language speech community Learning-how-to-learn To negotiate and plan their work over a certain time span, and learn how to set themselves realistic objectives and how to devise the means to attain them Language and cultural awareness To have some understanding of the systematic nature of language and the way it works There are some broad distinctions that can be made from those types of goals. First is the distinction between English for social purpose and English for transactional purposes. Second is the distinction between general English and English for specific purposes. 2 Input It refers to spoken, written and visual data that learners work with in the course of completing tasks. We can get the data from several sources such as the teacher, books, videos, internet, and so on. Actually learners can obtain the data by themselves through different kinds of sources to be used as an input to their learning. There are so many authentic sources that the learners can get in their everyday life. It is not only limited in one or two particular things that they use at school. In fact, they can use newspapers, maps, documentary videos, speech on the radio, leaflets, advertisements, or even students favorite movies or comics. There is a difference of using authentic and non-authentic sources. The idea behind authentic inputs is that it refers to the use of spoken and written materials that have been produced for the purpose of communication, not for language teaching. Using authentic materials has its own advantage because it gives the students the challenge to deal with the language that they hear or see in the real world. Of course, selecting authentic materials should be done by looking at stu dents’ needs, interests, and proficiency. Actually, it is not really a problem whether the inputs used are authentic or not. It is more important to search for good combination of authentic, simulated and special written materials to help the students to have optimal learning opportunity. Selecting materials for the teaching and learning process is essential. Print 1993: 145-51 in Bambang Sugeng 2010: 101-107 points out that there are six criteria for subject content selection. Below are four of the six criteria: a Significance The learning materials have to be significance to the students. It has to be developed based on the learners’ needs. Interest and motivation are the two things that have to be considered in choosing the materials. Those two elements play great role in the success of the teaching and learning process. We can offer the students with something that they are interested in such as movies, songs, or novels. Since they are interested to the materials given, it helps them to focus on the tasks given. In the end, the activities or tasks that they do can be done without them feeling burdened. So, it is better if we offer materials that the students themselves can enjoy. b Validity A valid material is a good material. There are three criteria for materials to be valid. Those are accuracy, authenticity, and correctness. The first criteria, accuracy, means that materials are presented in the correct format. For example, reading materials are considered as accurate if the sentences are grammatically correct, have the right diction, and so on. The second criteria, authenticity, means the resemblance of the materials to the native language use. It can be the term of the linguistic form of the materials or the relevance of the materials with the students’ characteristics. However, we should not overlook at the fact that there can be issues that arise in the use of authentic materials. Sometimes, students feel that dealing with authentic materials is harder than the non-authentic one. We can use listening activities for example. Authentic materials have richer vocabularies and expressions. The speed is also faster compared to the non-authentic materials. It is teachers ’ duty to choose the materials wisely so that it can be appropriate for the students to learn. The last one is correctness. It means that the message contained in the materials is true in the terms of the learners’ background. For example if the text is describing