The Results of Expert Judgment Unit 1 The Review of Unit 1

activity in Task 10 was split into two different activities. So, it becomes Task 10 and Task 11 since it can be made into two different activities. Task 10 Correct the title of the task. There was a change of the title from “Task 10” into “Task 12.” The pictures were also ommitted since it does not facilitate students in the learning process. Task 11 Change the title of the task. There was a change of the title from “Task 11” into “Task 13.” Task 12 Change the title of the task and the words “pets like” and “talk”. One more column is also needed in the table as a place to write studens’ reasons. There was a change of the title from “Task 12” into “Task 13.” There were also some corrections made in the word s “pets like” and “talk” into “pet likes” and “talks”. Then, one more column was added into the table so that the students can give their reasons why they choose those answers. Task 13 Correct the title of the text and the word “descriptive text” There was a change of the title fr om “Task 13” into “Task 15”. The word “features” was changed into “structure” and the word “descriptive text” was also changed into “descriptive texts.” Task 14 Change the title of the task and the guided task There was a change of the title from “Task 14” into “Task 16”. The guided task was also changed into a non- guided task to make the step of guided, semi- guided, and non-guided tasks more visible. Homework No revision No revision Reflection Pay attention to the grammatical mistake There was a change of the word “descriptive text ” and “a descriptive text” into “descriptive texts.” Summary No revision No revision Intermezzo The input given is written There was a change of the input of the task from written input into audiospoken input because it does not facilitate students to have listening activity.

d. The Results of Expert Judgment Unit 2 1

The Appropriateness of the Content of Unit 2 The mean value of the appropriateness of the content of Unit 2 of the developed materials is 3,8. This value is in the range of 3.25 ≤ x ≤ 4.00 which falls into the category of “Very Good”. The detail can be seen in Appendix H.3.a.