Data Collection Techniques and Instruments



This chapter presents the findings of the research. It covers the results of the needs analysis, the course grid, the first draft of the materials, the results of the expert judgment process, and the second draft of the materials.

A. Research Findings 1. The Needs Analysis

The organization of the questionnaire is divided into two parts. The first part consists of questions of the students’ target needs. The second part consists of the questions of the students ’ learning needs. Below are the descriptions of the results of the target needs and the learning needs of 35 eighth-grade students of SMPN 14 Yogyakarta.

a. Target Needs 1 Goals

The term goals refers to the general intentions behind the learning. It is also called as the students’ reason of learning English. The learning goals of students of SMPN 14 Yogyakarta is presented below. Table 4.1. Target Needs: Goals. Questions Items F What is your main goal of studying English? a. To be able to communicate using English Language. 33 94.2 b. to get successful in English National Examination 19 54.2 c. To support my hobby in reading or watching English language movies 29 82.2 d. To get equipped with sufficient English ability for future job 30 85.7 e. Etc In terms of students’ goal, they are allowed to choose more than one item. Table 4.1 shows that 94.2 of total respondents state that their goal of learning English is to be able to communicate using English language. Then, 30 out of 35 students 85.7 state that their goal is to get equipped with sufficient English ability for future job. Then, the third choice is to support their hobby in reading or watching English language movies 88.2. So, the conclusion is that the students want to learn English because they want to communicate well. 2 Necessities The term necessities is related to what the learners should know or achieve in order to function effectively in the target situation. In this study, the results of students’ necessities are presented below.