Sire Beach Ekas Bay

209 Unit 3 No. Items that you want to know Tick  1. The content of the recording 2. The moral value of the story More items that you want to know 1. 2. 3. 4. Questioning Questioning Based on the items you want to know in Task 4, formulate relevant questions. Number 1 and 2 have been done as examples. No. Questions 1. What is the recording about? 2. What is the moral value of the story? 3. 4. 5. 6. Provide answers for questions you formulated in the previous table based on your knowledge. No. Answers TASK 5 210 Unit 3 Collecting Information, Associating, Communicating Make some questions from the narrative text that you hear, exchange it with the one that your friend’s made, and answer it. The Wise Rat Picture 3 1. What _________________________________________________________? 2. Who __________________________________________________________? 3. ______________________________________________________________? 4. ______________________________________________________________? 5. ______________________________________________________________? Your teacher will pronounce the words in the big box below. Guess the vowel by connecting the dot with the correct answer. TASK 6 TASK 7 Dies Live Alive Nine [a ɪ] Dry, cry, my [e ɪ] great, straight [i] pin, sing, bin 211 Unit 3 In pairs, find out the meaning of these words. Then, put a tick  if the word has the same vowel as the answer in Task 7. No. Words Meaning Tick  1. Lived ˈlɪvd 2. Frightened ˈfraɪ.t ə nd 3. Decided d ɪˈsaɪdɪd 4. Put pʊt 5. Asked æskt 6. Thrilled θrɪld 7. Biting ˈbaɪ. t̬ɪŋ 8. Ran ræn 9. Astonished ə ˈstɑː.nɪʃt 10. Apolgized əˈpɑː.lə.dʒaɪzd Put a tick to the items that belong to the grammatical features of narrative text and discuss the answer with your classmates. TASK 9 Grammatical Feature of a Narrative Text 1. Adjective that provide the readers the accurate description of the characters and settings  2. Nouns which identify the specific characters and place 3. Verbs which show the actions 4. Metaphor 5. Time words that connect event tell when they occured TASK 8