The Data Analysis Techniques of the Research

Table 4.1. Target Needs: Goals. Questions Items F What is your main goal of studying English? a. To be able to communicate using English Language. 33 94.2 b. to get successful in English National Examination 19 54.2 c. To support my hobby in reading or watching English language movies 29 82.2 d. To get equipped with sufficient English ability for future job 30 85.7 e. Etc In terms of students’ goal, they are allowed to choose more than one item. Table 4.1 shows that 94.2 of total respondents state that their goal of learning English is to be able to communicate using English language. Then, 30 out of 35 students 85.7 state that their goal is to get equipped with sufficient English ability for future job. Then, the third choice is to support their hobby in reading or watching English language movies 88.2. So, the conclusion is that the students want to learn English because they want to communicate well. 2 Necessities The term necessities is related to what the learners should know or achieve in order to function effectively in the target situation. In this study, the results of students’ necessities are presented below. Table 4.2. Target Needs: Necessities. Questions Items F I think listening activity in English Language learning is... a. Very important 30 85.7 b. Important 5 14.5 c. Quite important d. Not important According to the table above, 30 out of 35 students 85.7 claim that having listening activities is very important. This suggests that developing listening materials is necessary for the students. Table 4.3. Target Needs: Necessities. Questions Items F I think, listening activity will be very useful for... a. Developing my English pronunciation 10 28.5 b. Helping me to sharpen my ability to understand what the speaker say 17 48.5 c. Helping me to enrich my vocabulary 5 14.5 d. Helping me to learn grammar indirectly 3 8.5 e. Etc According to Table 4.3, 48.5 of the students state that listening activities are useful to help them understand the content of what the speaker says. Then, 10 out of 35 students 28.5 state that listening activities are important to help the students improve their pronunciation. Table 4.4. Target Needs: Necessities. Questions Items F Language activity that I will occasionally use isare... a. Using different kinds of expressions such as asking, greeting, inviting, apologizing, and so on 30 85.7 b. Describing something person, place 32 91.4 c. Telling people about past event 12 34.2 d. Etc In terms of the language activities, students are allowed to choose more than one item. Table 4.4 shows that 91.4 of the students agree that they often describe something such as things, person, or places. Then, there are 30 out of 35 students 85.7 who state that they often use different kinds of expressions such as asking, inviting, and so on. Table 4.5. Target Needs: Lacks. Questions Items F So far, my English proficiency is at the level of… a. Beginner, being able to communicate in daily life context b. Intermediate, being able to communicate in any kind of discourse 35 100 c. Advanced, being able to communicate in English in any discourse fluently and accurately The first question of students ’ lacks is presented in Table 4.5 above. The question was used to know the current level of students’ English proficiency. The Table above presents that the proficiency level of all students of grade VIII of SMPN 14 Yogyakarta is in intermediate level. However, based on the observation done by the researcher, there are some problems which indicate that students are in the beginner level. Table 4.6. Target Needs: Lacks. Questions Items F So far, my listening ability is at the level... a. Beginner, being able to understand text which is very slow, carefully spoken, and has long pauses. 13 37.1 b. Intermediate, being able to understand the main points of text which close to the daily life. The provided text are clearly spoken. 22 62.8 c. Advanced, being able to understand any kind of spoken language which is fast. The second question of students ’ lacks is to know the current level of the students ’ listening ability. Table 4.6 presents that the proficiency level of most students of grade VIII of SMPN 14 Yogyakarta is in intermediate level 62.8. Then, 13 out of 35 students 37.1 state that they are in the beginner level. Although most of the students state that they are in intermediate level, however there are some problems found during the observation which had been described in Chapter I of this study. It means that there are quite many students who need to improve their listening skill.