The Revision of Unit 4

For the second part of the needs analysis, the learning needs, the researcher found out that the desired inputs fot the listening materials are authentic materials. Then, the theme that they want the most is theme which tells them about fictions. They also chose to have dialogues and monologues which are close to everyday life. Meanwhile, the listening inputs that they can understand are those which have for about 100-150 words. The use of videos and pictures in the listening activities is quite helpful according to the result of the needs analysis. Learning needs also cover the desired procedures for learning. The students prefer to choose listening activities which can be learnt in the classroom. The materials are provided by the teacher based on the needs and interests of the students. The tasks are better if it can develop students’ creativity. Besides listening inputs and listening procedures, lerning needs also covers the setting, learner’s role, and teacher’s role. For the setting, the result shows that the students chose to have activities which are done in pairs. The students chose to ask for some clues to the teacher in every activities. This result is not considered to develop the materials since it does not facilitate the students to be active learners. Then, they want the teacher to motivate the students and give them some clues if the tasks are too difficult. After the needs analysis was conducted, the next step was designing the course grid. It is the guideline of the materials which were developed. There are six components of the course grid such as the core competences, the basic competences, the name of the unit, the indicators, the input, and the last is the activities. The researcher developed four units of listening materials. Each of the unit consists of 13-16 tasks. The title of the first unit is “How Does She Look Like?”. It talks about descriptive texts. The course grid of Unit 1 consists of Core Competences number 1,2,3,4 and Basic Competences number 1.1, 2.3, 3.10, and 4.11. There are four indicators in this unit: students are able to identify the social function of descriptive texts, identify the generic structure of descriptive texts, identify and use the simple present appropriately, and identify the adjectives used in descriptive texts. This unit consists of 16 Tasks. The title of the second unit is “My Holiday” which talks about recount texts. The course grid of Unit 2 consists of Core Competences number 1, 2, 3, 4 and Basic Competences number 1.2, 2.3, 3.12, and 4.14. There are five indicators of this unit, those are: students are able to identify the social function of recount texts, identify the generic structure of recount texts, identify and use the simple past appropriately, identify the order of events, and the last is students are able to identify vowel [i:]. This unit also consists of 15 tasks. The third unit is entitled “Let Me Tell You an Interesting Story” which talks about narrative texts. The course grid of unit 3 consists of Core Competences number 1, 2, 3, 4 and Basic Competences number 1.1, 2.3, 3.14, and 4.18. There are total of four indicators in this unit, those are: students are able to identify the social function of narrative texts, identify vowel [aI], identify the grammatical feature of narrative texts and identify the generic structure of narrative texts. This unit consists of 15 tasks. The last unit, unit 4, is entitled “Listen to This Song” which talks about songs. Song lyrics are also included as poetic texts. The course grid of unit 4 consists of Core Competences number 1,2,3, 4 and Basic Competences number 1.1, 2.3, 3.15, and 4.19. This unit also has four indicators, those are: students are able to identify the social function of song lyric, identify the generic structure of song lyrics, identify the reduced form of words, and identify the message of the song. This unit consists of 13 tasks. After the course grid was made, the next step was developing the materials. The title is written before the given activities to represent the theme of the unit. There is also brief description about the content of the unit under the title. The number of the page is placed in the lower right corner of every page. Some illustrations or pictures are used to facilitate the students in the learning process. It can also be used to make the unit looks interesting. The activities consist of three parts: pre-activities, main activities, and post-activities. The pre-activities aim to prepare the students for the main activities. Then, the main activities consist of five parts: observing, questioning, collecting, analyzing, and communicating. The last part is post-activities which consist of three parts: homework, reflection, and summary. After the listening tasks were developed, the next step was conducting the expert judgment. The items of the questionnaire were developed based on BSNP. It covers four main points of evaluation: the appropriateness of the content, the appropriateness of the language, the appropriateness of the presentation, and the appropriateness of the graphic. Based on the result of the expert judgment process, the listening materials developed by the researcher are appropriate with the needs of the eighth-grade students of the SMPN 14 Yogyakarta. It can be seen from the