Conceptual Framework LITERATURE REVIEW

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted on February-March 2015 in the VIII grade students of SMPN 14 Yogyakarta. This school was choosen because it implemented 2013 curriculum.

C. Subjects of the Research

The subjects of this research were grade VIII students of SMPN 14 Yogyakarta because of several reasons. First, they had already adjusted to the learning process of junior high school unlike the seventh grade students who just graduated from the elementary school. Second, eight grade students do not feel pressured in the learning process unlike the ninth grade students who had to face the national examination soon. Third, the ninth grade students are not recomended by the school because they have to prepare for the national examination. The research was planned with small random sampling because it was more feasible and economical. Moreover, the data taken are more valid if the samples are limited.

D. The Research Procedure

This research was carried out based on the model stated by Jolly and Bolitho on Tomlinson 1998. There were some adaptations made in order to meet the conditions of the research. Here are the steps used in this research: Figure 3.1. The Research Prosedure 1. Conducting needs analysis Needs analysis is needed by the researcher to collect some information related to the students’ needs. It helps the researcher decides the materials which were developed. 2. Developing Course Grid At this stage, the researcher designed the grid of the listening materials. The content of the curriculum was described as the basis of the material development. Then, the theme of the tasks was decided here. 3. Organizing and Writing the Materials The listening materials were developed based on the grid that the researcher had created before. The product of this stage is also called as a draft. 4. Expert Judgment After the first draft was developed, the researcher searched for evaluator to evaluate the materials. It was evaluated based on the appropriateness of the content, the appropriateness of the language, the appropriateness of the presentation, and the appropriateness of the graphic. Conducting Need Analysis Developing Course Grid Designing Materials first draft Expert Judgment Designing Final Draft 5. Writing the Final Draft After the first draft of the materials was revised, the researcher then wrote the final draft of the listening materials.

E. Data Collection Techniques and Instruments

The data were collected two times using questionnaire. There are two types of questionnaires which were used to obtain the data. The first questionnaire was distributed to the students for the needs analysis. Below is the organization of the first questionnaire: Table 3.1. The Organization of the Needs Analysis No. Aspect Number of Items Purpose of the Questions References Students personal identity To find out personal information about the students Target needs 1 Goals 1 To find out the reason of learning English Nunan 2004: 41 2 Necessities 2,3,4 To find out what the students have to know to function effectively Hutchinson and Waters 1987 in I.S.P. Nation and John Macaliste 2010:5 3 Lacks 5,6,7 To find out about what the learner know and does not know already Hutchinson and Waters 1987 in I.S.P. Nation and John Macaliste 4 Wants 8 To find out about what the learners think they need Hutchinson and Waters 1987 in I.S.P. Nation and John Macaliste Learning Needs 5 Input 10,11,12,13 To find out the topic, the length of the text which is ideal for them Nunan 2004: 47 6 Procedures 14,15 To find out the activities that the students like the most Nunan 2004: 52 7 Setting 16 To find out the setting of doing tasks that the students like most Nunan 2004: 70 8 Teacher’s Role 17 To find the information that the teacher should perform Nunan 2004: 64 9 Learner’s Role 18 To find the information about the role of the students Nunan 2004: 64 Then, the second questionnaire was given to the eveluator to evaluate the materials which were developed. It was organized based on the criteria standard of BSNP . There are some criteria which were evaluated related to the materials. They include 1 content, 2 language, 3 presentation, and 4 graphic. There are also two types of questions given to the evaluator. First is the close- ended questions which describe the central tendency of the material expert. The second is the open-ended questions which are addressed to the evaluator to deliver his opinion and suggestion related to the materials.

F. The Data Analysis Techniques of the Research

The data analysis is needed to be used in this research. The planning of the data analysis consists of what needs to be done with the data obtained and how it is processed and analyzed.