Background of The Study

learners before the period over. It is very important to introduce how to do verbal interaction correctly, because this competence is very useful to interact verbally with the environment. Introducing English as a foreign language in Kindergarten is considered beneficial in some aspects. There are some advantages that young learners have over older ones. Young children are sensitive to the sounds and the rhythm of new languages and they enjoy copying new sounds and patterns of intonation. In addition, younger learners are usually less anxious and less inhibited than older learners Pinter, 2006 In Kindergarten, children participate in listening, reading, showing experiences using such texts as pictures, stories, rhymes, symbols, dramas and videos to celebrate individuals and class accomplishment. Achieving of teaching-learning process depends on some aspects. Teaching foreign language must take in to the needs and characteristics of young learners in order to be successful. Teaching objectives and approaches must be compatible with the learners’ cognitive level and interest. Kindergartens which have English course or extracurricular should provide a wide range of opportunities for using and hearing the language and play should be an active part of the teaching. Teachers plan programs that allow children to explore language and to communicate their thinking and learning in meaningful ways to both the teacher and their peers. Teachers make decisions about the use of materials and the focus of their teaching that are based both on the learning expectations and on their observations of the children’s needs, and they create an environment that supports language learning and literacy in many ways. Seeing these opportunities, TK Islam Plus Salsabila 1 has conducted English course once a week, for not more than two hours. The teachers teachEnglish by relating to the theme at the moment. They teach English through songs, pictures, vocabulary cards, and delivering tasks or worksheets. Teachers never work out the tasks or worksheet. They only copy the tasks or worksheet from books they have bought. They make some kind of cards and pictures, but it is not always compatible with needs and characteristics of the children. As mentioned above, for getting a success teaching-learning process teachers must have effort to produce the materials of English learning related to the learners’ needs and characteristics. Tasks should be meaningful and help children to make sense of new experiences by relating them to what they already know. The use of routine and repetition should be emphasized along with opportunities for interaction and cooperation. Finally, praise and encouragement is necessary to maintain children’s positive attitudes, motivation, and self-confidence. TK Islam Plus Salsabila 1 Sleman conducted English learning for young learners. In fact, according to the observation’s result, the teachers apply some various techniques and methods but the school does not have enough material which involves interesting activities that can be used for the program. Considering the fact above, the researcher tries to design English Learning Programsfor English Day program which appropriate for class B and children at the same level which are suited to the kindergarten’s curriculum.

B. Identification of The Problem

National Education Department established that Indonesian learners must be able to comprehend and give expression to information, thought, feelings, developing science, technology, and culture by using English. The function of English is to communicate in order to access information and as a tool of interpersonal relation as well as changing information. Young children learn best through activities that suit with their lives, various, challenging and engaging. Children develop their knowledge by building on their past experiences and learn with they have acquired. Because most of the children believe that learning is pleasurable experience, they are naturally inclined and even more enthusiasm to learn when the first time they come in school. Each child grows and develops in every interrelated area moral, social, emotional, cognitive, physic and linguistic. In order to develop children’s needs, kindergarten’s programs must provide a chance for learning, self-expression, and self-discovery in a variety of areas – for example; in games, drama, music, language activities, and cooperative activities with peers. Children develop in different rates and in different ways. Each child is unique and has individuall needs. Some children will benefit one type learning strategy than another; some probably need more time than others, and need more additional resources, to achieve learning expectations. To make a good and effective English Day program,set of English teaching learning programs in needed to run the program. Therefore, it is important to produce English materials, which help the teachers and the children to learn English. Set of teaching learning programsare needed to design fun, visual,