Validity and Reliability of the Data


A Research Findings The researcher followed the procedure of the study which is adapted from the steps of Research and Development cycle in conducting the study. According to Borg and Gall 1983:775; there are ten major steps used in the Research and Development cycling including research and information collecting, planning, development of preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision, operational field testing, final product revision, dissemination and implementation. In order to simplify the steps of the Research and Development cycle proposed by Borg and Gall, the researcher adopted the ten major steps into eight steps. There are collecting research and information or need survey and need analysis, planning, writing the course grid, developing the materials, evaluating the first draft, trying out the materials, evaluating the second draft, and revising and writing the final draft of the materials developed. The findings of the study are organized into five sections. They are 1 presenting the results of the needs analysis, 2 writing the course grid 3 designing the materials, 4 evaluating and revising the first draft of the tasks and, 5 implementing, evaluating, and revising the second drafts of the materials.

1. Need Analysis

a. Children’s Characteristics There were 13 children in class B in TKIT Salsabila 2 Banguntapan. Their ages were about 5 to 6 years old. Most of them 10 children were five years old. There were six female children and seven male children. The data of the children in class B in TKIT Salsabila 2 Banguntapan was presented in Appendix F. Based on the observation and interview with the headmaster, the children’s characters were found. ……………………………………………………………………………….. Mengenai karakter anak di kelas bervariasi, ada yang aktif banyak gerak, ada yang tidak banyak gerak tapi banyak tanya juga. Ketika belajar ada yang cepat menangkap apa yang disampaikan guru ada yang juga perlu bimbingan ada juga beberapa masalah sehingga ketika disampaikan atau dikenalkan dengan Bahasa Inggris mereka hanya melihat saja…begitu. Children’s characters are various; there are children physically active, passive and ask around. Some of them is very easy to catch the lesson but some others not, they just looked at the teacher ……………………………………………………………………………….. Some of the children seemed happy and cheerful when the researcher came to the class. They also had positive relationship with their friends. They could play together and talk about their experiences. Although some of the children were not already willing to work in pairs. The other could be observed from their independence and responsibility on what they were doing. They were already to take the responsibility in managing their toys and crayons in their classroom after they use of them. ……………………………………………………………………… R: Wah bagus bagus ya gambarnya…tapi nanti kalau sudah selesai mengerjakan perlatannya diapakan ya? Wow that’s good, but then what you all have to do after you finish your playing? S1: Diberesin bu We will put it in order Bu S2: Dirapikan We will make it tidy R: Iya nanti leggo nya disimpan lagi di tempatnya… crayon nya dimasukkan ke dalam tas lagi supaya tidak ketinggalan ya… Yes, put the