The Teacher’s Reason for Conducting the Techniques

64 learning activity. The teacher also applied another teaching techniques and learning activities in order to make his teaching clear and understandable for students. The teacher often translated his English explanation into Indonesian in order to avoid students’ misunderstanding. According to the teacher, he spoke in Indonesian more than in English because there were a lot of students of grade X in SMA Stella Duce 2 Yogyakarta who could not properly understand the teacher’s saying in English. This situation implies that a lot of students of grade X in SMA Stella Duce 2 Yogyakarta had difficulties in understanding what the teacher means in his explanation or instruction. This condition required the teacher to translate his explanation or instruction into Indonesian so that students could understand what the teacher means and students could learn properly.

3. Students’ Responses on the Learning Techniques

As presented in the previous sub chapter, there were three students’ general responses on the learning activities. The responses were positive response, negative response, and undecided response. The followings are discussion on students’ responses on the learning activities in which the learning strategies are applied.

a. Students with Positive Response

Students with positive response are students who stated that they were able to follow the learning activities in English reading class. Students with positive response were usually those who liked the learning activities they conduct, who liked the English subject, and those who liked the way the teacher conducts the learning activities. Students who gave positive response were also 65 those who enjoyed the learning activities, who knew what they should do in learning activities, who could understand the learning materials they learned, and those who were in the good mood to learn. These situations enabled the students to follow the learning activities without any significant difficulties. In the researcher’s opinion, the students whose conditions are mentioned above have no difficulties in following the learning activities. If they find problems or difficulties in their learning, these students will not easily give up in trying to solve or answer the problems. These students will not easily give up because of those conditions on the learning activities could encourage them to focus on the learning. The students with those conditions may be able to ignore any disturbances or noise which come from around them. In addition, this positive response shows that students like the learning activities conducted and teaching techniques applied by the teacher. Considering that students liked the learning activities and the teaching techniques, it could be stated that the learning activities conducted and the teaching techniques applied could help students in their learning process.

b. Students with Negative Response

Meanwhile, students with negative response were students who stated that they were not able to follow the learning activities in English reading class. These students were those who did not have clear explanation on the learning activities or learning materials, who had problems in the English subject such as limited vocabulary and poor grammar mastery, and those who did not like the way the teacher conducted the learning activities. These students were also those who did not like the English subject and who could not focus on learning activities. Such 66 conditions made students difficult to follow the learning activities because the conditions disabled students to understand the learning materials. In addition, these conditions may also discourage students in their learning process since students perhaps cannot focus their attention on learning due to boredom. In the researcher’s opinion, when students experience such conditions where they could not follow the learning activities, students usually still tried to make themselves able to focus on learning and then able to follow the learning activities. However, in order to help students encourage themselves again, the teacher played crucial role. The teacher should bring students out of those difficult situations. The teacher could change the learning activities he is conducting or teaching techniques he is applying with other learning activities and teaching techniques without changing its purposes in learning. By having different learning activities and teaching techniques which possibly bring new situation in learning, students could be encouraged to focus on learning again so that they can follow the learning activities and understand what they are learning.

c. Students with Undecided response

The last students’ response is undecided response. This response comes from students who were in some ways able to follow the learning activities in English reading class but they still found some problems or difficulties in following the learning activities. In other words, these students experienced both what students with positive response and students with negative response experienced in learning activities at the same time. There were many factors that made these students able to follow the learning activities. Those factors are generally the same as what students with positive response have. On the other 67 hand, these students encountered some problems or difficulties during the learning activities that make them unable to follow the learning activities properly. In addition, these problems or difficulties show that there were students who did not like the learning activities conducted and teaching techniques applied by the teacher. It can be stated that there are several learning activities that students did not like and that could not help students in learning. In the researcher’s opinion, students’ problems or difficulties in following the learning activities may deal with the learning material they learn or with the learning activities they conduct in class. Students’ problems or difficulties that deal with the learning materials can be their limitation on English such as the limited vocabulary and poor grammar mastery. The other problem is their difficulty in understanding the learning materials such as the characteristics of certain English texts. Beyond those problems and difficulties, these students in some ways are still able to follow the learning activities. What make these students able to follow the learning activities can come from other people or conditions in the learning activities. These supportive factors can also come from the students. The factors that come from other people or conditions in the learning activities can be the teaching techniques applied by the teacher and situations of the learning activities. In addition, the factors that come from students can be students’ likeness to the learning activities conducted or teaching techniques applied by the teacher. Students’ likeness to the English subject can also be a supportive factor for students to follow the learning activities.


This chapter presents general conclusion from the discussion in this study. This chapter also presents suggestions for future researchers, students, and English teachers. Hence, the researcher divides this chapter into two sub chapters, namely conclusions and suggestions.

A. Conclusions

This sub chapter presents conclusions based on the discussion on the research problems. It consists of two parts. The first part is conclusion of learning techniques applied by the teacher and reasons for the techniques, and the second part is conclusion of students’ response on the learning techniques.

1. Learning Techniques in Reading Class

There are six learning techniques applied by the teacher for English reading class. The teacher conducted more than one learning technique in one meeting. The teacher always applied the same learning techniques with the same teaching techniques for every grade X class he taught so that every student in grade X experienced the same learning techniques. The teacher may give more than one reasons for a certain learning techniques he applied. The followings are learning techniques applied by the teacher and his reasons for applying the techniques. The first learning technique is introducing the lesson. In this learning technique, the teacher explained what students were going to have and what they