Research Method Research Subjects

33 interview a researcher can develop insights into how subjects interpret some piece of the world. Interview is a data collection activity that is conducted by doing a purposeful conversation on the research topics. The researcher conducted the interview with the English teacher of SMA Stella Duce 2 Yogyakarta one time. The researcher conducted the interview with the English teacher after the researcher conducted the direct observations on the English reading activities. The interview aimed to find out the teacher’s reason for applying the learning techniques and applying the teaching techniques. In this interview, the researcher asked ten questions about the teacher’s reasons for conducting the learning technique and reasons for applying the teaching techniques in teaching reading class. The learning techniques and teaching techniques upon which its reasons for application being asked in this interview were taken from the findings during the direct observations conducted previously.

4. Questionnaire

This research instrument was employed in order to answer the research question number 3, which is “What are the students’ responses on the learning techniques?”. Questionnaire was a list of questions to be answered by the research subject in order to obtain the data required to answer the research questions. According to Ary et al. 2002: 389 there are two kinds of questionnaire, open- ended and close-ended questionnaire. This study used the open-ended questionnaire to acquire the qualitative data in order to answer the research problems. In the questionnaire with the open-ended questions, the respondents are 34 expected to state or give their own opinion with their own words. The questionnaire employed in this study contained a question about how the students’ response was on the English reading activities the teacher had just conducted. Students’ response is a statement on their ability in following the learning techniques applied by the teacher. The questionnaire was distributed to the students after the teacher finished applying the learning techniques. The answers students gave in the questionnaire were considered as research data for students’ response on learning techniques. The researcher then analyzed the findings to find out whether the learning techniques teacher applied were accepted and interesting according to students’ point of view.

D. Data Gathering Techniques

In order to answer the research questions formulated in Chapter I, the researcher colleted the data with the help of research instruments, and then analyzed the collected data. First, the researcher conducted the direct observations in English class and focused on how the teacher applied the learning techniques. The researcher observed teachers’ activities in teaching based on the guidance questions presented in the observation sheet. The recording of the data was done using checklist in which the presence or absence of the observed aspects were indicated by checking yes or no. In addition, the researcher also used the field notes in which he wrote down the findings in the form of sentences based on the guidance questions. Besides, at the same time the researcher also recorded the learning activities with video camera.