Outside Classroom Activities Independent Learning

47 of grade X in SMA Stella Duce 2 Yogyakarta cannot properly understand the teacher’s saying or explanation in English. The teacher, therefore, always translated what he had said in English into Indonesian in order to avoid students’ misunderstanding and confusion in their learning. In the teacher’s opinion, students will not be able to learn best if they do not understand what the teacher says. Students will also not be able to learn best when they do not know what they should do in their learning activities. In other words, the teacher’s purpose to translate his instruction and explanation in English into Indonesian was to enable students properly understand the instruction and the explanation through its equivalent in students’ first language, in this case is Indonesian.

d. The Teacher’s Reason for the Learning Technique of Outside Classroom

Activities The next is about the teacher’s reasons for conducting learning activities outside classroom. The teacher stated that he conducted learning activities outside classroom because he purposed students to still have a good mood when they were learning, especially when they learned reading in English. According to the teacher, by conducting learning activities outside classroom students will have different situation of learning from they usually have. The teacher tried to vary the learning activities by conducting the learning activities in different situation and condition. The teacher applied this technique in order to make the learning activities interesting to follow and easy to understand. 48

e. The Teacher’s Reason for the Learning Technique of Independent

Learning As presented before, independent learning refers to students’ independence in learning and groups learning activities. The first is about the teacher’s reason for conducting cooperative learning activities by asking students to work in groups of two. The teacher conducted cooperative learning activities because he drives students to build a close relationship with other students. Through this learning activity, the teacher purposed to enable students recognize each other not only when they are playing or going out together, but also when they are learning in class. The teacher added that by applying group learning activities, he also aimed to provide students with different atmosphere and situation of learning from they usually have in order to make the learning more interesting for students. The second is about the teacher’s reasons for driving students to learn independently. The teacher did not allow students to look up to a dictionary or to ask him about new or difficult words they find in the text. This part also presents the teacher reason for not allowing students to ask him about the content of the text. The teacher did not allow students to look up to a dictionary or ask him because he wanted students to be independent in their learning. The teacher states that he drove students to depend more on themselves first than to directly find the answer from other sources. The other reason was because the teacher prepared students for the final test. The teacher drove students to be accustomed to situations and requirements in the final test in which they are not allowed to bring and to look up a dictionary. In addition, students were not allowed to ask teachers or any body in doing the final test. It implies that the teacher prepared students in