Communicative Language Teaching Language Teaching Methodologies

23 solve a problem or answer a question. In Cooperative Language Learning, students could be as resources for other students and it will lead them to a more active role in their learning. When being a resource for others, a student needs critical thinking skills in solving the problems and expressing his or her ideas. Critical thinking skills enable students to understand the problem they face or questions they are asked and then solve the problem or answer the questions with appropriate theories and ways of thinking. Pairs or group activities are the heart of Cooperative Language Learning, the learning techniques, therefore, always involve and facilitate pair or group work. Richard and Rodgers 2001: 196 cite three types of cooperative learning group. They are: - Formal cooperative learning groups These learning groups last from one class period to several weeks of meeting. They are established for a specific task and involve students working together to activate shared learning goals. - Informal cooperative learning groups These learning groups are specific groups for certain task that last from a few minutes to a class period. These groups aim to focus student attention or to facilitate learning during direct teaching. - Cooperative base groups These are long term groups and last for at least a year. These groups consist of heterogeneous learning groups with stable membership whose primary purpose is to allow members to give each other the support, help, encouragement, and assistance they need to succeed academically. 24 In Cooperative Language Learning, students are required to be active in learning. However, teachers still have roles which can help students increase and develop their learning. Richard and Rodgers 2001: 199 state that an important role for teachers is that of facilitator of learning. In his or her role as a facilitator, a teacher must move around the class helping students and groups as needs arise. In order to make it clearer, Richard and Rodgers 2001: 199 also cite, “During this time the teacher interacts, teaches, refocuses, questions, clarifies, supports, expands, celebrates, empathizes.”

3. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

In this part, the writer presents a brief nature of curriculum which is now being implemented in Indonesian schools. This part briefly discusses Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan School-Based Curriculum, also known as KTSP. The discussion covers several terms in the curriculum that are related to the research topic this study concerns about, which is learning techniques teachers apply. According to Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan BSNP 2006: 5, KTSP is an operational curriculum which is designed by and implemented in each school. This kind of curriculum allows schools to design their own curriculum independently. KTSP is a kind of curriculum that gives schools chances to develop their instructional activities in order to improve its quality of outputs. BSNP defines seven principles in order to help schools develop the curriculum. One of them is: Kurikulum dikembangkan berdasarkan prinsip bahwa peserta didik memiliki posisi sentral untuk mengembangkan kompetensinya agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan taqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. Untuk 25 mendukung pencapaian tujuan tersebut, pengembangan kompetensi peserta didik disesuaikan dengan potensi, perkembangan, kebutuhan, dan kepentingan peserta didik serta tuntutan lingkungan. Memiliki posisi sentral berarti kegiatan pembelajaran berpusat pada peserta didik.”BSNP, 2006: 5 Curriculum is developed based on principle that learners have a central position to develop their competencies in order to be human beings who believe in God and have a noble characteristic. The curriculum also develops students to be healthy, educated, capable, creative, and independent and to be democratic and responsible citizen. In order to achieve those goals, development of learners’ competencies is matched with learners’ potentials, learners’ development, learners’ needs, learners’ necessities, and society requirement. Having a central position means that learning activities are focused on learners. From this point of view, it is clear that development of the curriculum which is going to be implemented focuses on students along with their characteristics as a human being and a learner as well. It is also clear that schools, especially teachers, have to develop learning techniques which focused on learners; it means that teachers should conduct learner-centered learning activities. The designed and developed KTSP should cover educational goals of the school, structure and content of curriculum of the school, academic calendar, and syllabus BSNP, 2006: 5. Among those terms that KTSP covers, a term which a teacher should consider in applying learning techniques is the syllabus. According to BSNP 2006: 15, syllabus development could be done by a teacher independently or in a group of teachers in a school or several schools, in a group of Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran MGMP in Pusat Kegiatan Guru PKG, and in Bureau of Education. When teachers recognize characteristic of students, KTSP requires teachers to design and develop syllabus independently. For teachers who cannot design and