Observation Checklist Research Instruments

35 Second, the researcher checked the findings of the observation again with the help of the audiovisual data from the recording process. It aimed to avoid the misinterpretation on the data that were collected through direct observation. It also aimed to obtain the more data that might be missed in the direct observations conducted before. Third, the researcher distributed the questionnaire in order to collect data for students’ responses on the learning techniques. The researcher distributed the questionnaire right after the teacher finished applying the learning techniques. When all students have finished answering the question, the researcher collected the questionnaire and then summarized the data into tables and paragraph. Fourth, the researcher conducted interview with the English teacher. In the interview, the researcher asked the teacher’s reasons for applying learning techniques found by the researcher during direct observations. The researcher recorded the interview and then presented in the forms of written dialogue.

E. Data Analysis Techniques

In analyzing the data collected, the researcher analyzed first the data collected through the observation activities. The analysis was to find out the way the English teacher in SMA Stella Duce 2 Yogyakarta conducted the reading activities. Hence, the analysis was employed in order to answer the research question number one. The researcher then summarized the data he collected through the observation in order to formulate the research findings to answer the problem. In this step of analysis, the researcher interpreted the data on learning 36 techniques in order to obtain findings on what learning techniques the teacher applies. The findings were presented in the form of paragraph. The findings then were related to the principles in applying learning techniques based on what it is suggested and required in the currently applied curriculum, which is Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. The next analysis was on data collected through the interview. The researcher analyzed data collected through the interview in order to answer the research question number 2. In this analysis, the researcher analyzed the teacher’s reasons for applying the learning techniques. Through the reasons given by the teacher on the learning techniques, the researcher would find out the teacher’s reasons for conducting the learning techniques. The researcher then analyzed the data on students’ responses which was collected through the questionnaire. In this step of analysis, the researcher categorized students’ responses based on their statement of ability in following the learning activities. The researcher also categorized students’ reason for their responses. The last step was discussion. In this part, the researcher discussed every research findings by relating them to the recently applied curriculum, KTSP. Through this discussion, the researcher would find out whether the English teacher in SMA Stella Duce 2 Yogyakarta had conducted the English reading class in line with the goals of currently applied curriculum of Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. The researcher also related the findings on the learning techniques to students’ response on the learning techniques. The discussion would