Transitive Verbs Translation Strategies


1. For EFL Learners

The findings of this study will be beneficial to EFL learners. EFL learners can learn how to identify transitive verbs and their translation in a bilingual text. Moreover, they are also able to learn translation strategies, especially to translate transitive verbs from English into Indonesian.

2. For Future Researchers

The findings of this study will hopefully be a reference for future researchers who are interested in identifying and analyzing a translation product. The researchers can evaluate the acceptability of the transitive verb translation. Moreover, future researchers can also develop the study by focusing on a broader unit of translation, such as sentences. The researchers can analyze the translation strategies which are used to translate sentences consisting of transitive verbs.

F. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding, this section provides practical definition of terms used in this study. The terms used in this study are defined as follows.

1. Transitive Verbs

Transitive verbs as defined by Azar 1999: 208 are verbs which followed by objects. Transitive verbs are the subject of this study. In this study the term transitive verbs refers to verbs which take direct objects. These verbs are found 7 in clauses in the English version of the article in the first chapter of the book entitled Australia and Indonesia’s Struggle for Independence.

2. Translation Strategies

According to Suryawinata and Hariyanto 2003: 67, translation strategies or translation procedures are techniques to translate phrases and clauses. Newmark 1988: 68-90 divides translation strategies into 21, namely literal translation, transference, naturalization, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, descriptive equivalent, synonymy, through-translation, shift or transposition, modulation, recognized translation, translation label, compensation, compensational analysis, reduction and expansion, paraphrase, couplets, and notes, addition and glosses. In this study, translation strategies refer to techniques in translating transitive verbs from English into Indonesian in the first chapter of the book entitled Austra lia and Indonesia’s Struggle for Independence. 8


This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is the theoretical description, which includes the discussion of theories related to this study; they are about transitive verb and translation. The second part is the theoretical framework; it is used to synthesize all theories elaborated in the theoretical description in order to correlate the theories to the current study.

A. Theoretical Description

The writer elaborates two major parts in this theoretical description; they are the discussion of verb, especially transitive verb, and translation theories. The first part, theories of verbs, provides the definition of verb in general, types of verb, and transitive verb. The second part, theories of translation, elaborates the definition of translation, types of translation, and translation strategies.

1. Verbs

Theory of verbs is the first part of the theoretical description. This part elaborates some theories related to verbs, namely definition of verbs, types of verbs, and transitive verbs. The first section, definition of verbs, gives general description of what verbs are. The second section, types of verbs, explains the