Transitive Verbs Constructed with Pattern 2 in the Active Voice Transitive Verbs Constructed with Pattern 2 in the Passive Voice

41 the verb in the clause was categorized as a transitive verb constructed with pattern 1.

2. The Use of Pattern 2: NP

1 -Vt-NP 2 -NP 3 Kolln 1990: 22 explains that pattern 2 consists of two noun phrase complements which follow the transitive verb. Those noun phrases do not refer to the same object. Kolln, in addition, states that there is a position shift in which the indirect object follows the direct object. It occurs when there is preposition to or for following the direct object. Table 4.4 illustrates the findings of the use of pattern 2. Table 4.4. Transitive Verbs Constructed with Pattern 2 Voice Frequency of Occurrence 1 Active voice 7 2 Passive voice 3 TOTAL 10

a. Transitive Verbs Constructed with Pattern 2 in the Active Voice

Based on the research findings, there were 7 transitive verbs constructed with the transitive verb pattern 2 in the active voice. The following example in Table 4.5 illustrates the data of the transitive verbs. Table 4. 5. Active Transitive Verb and Its Translation Constructed with Pattern 2 Transitive Verb SL Clause in English Transitive Verb TL Clause in Indonesian gave Australia gave strong support to the Republic memberi Australia memberi dukungan kuat kepada Republik 42 The verb gave in the clause “Australia gave strong support to the Republic ” was considered as an active transitive verb based on the transitive verb pattern 2. Australia gave strong support to the Republic NP 1 Vt NP 2 preposition NP 3 The noun phrase Australia functioned as the subject of the clause. The verb gave was the transitive verb since it was followed by the phrase strong support as the direct object. The noun phrase the Republic was put after preposition to; therefore, it was called object of preposition and it functioned as the indirect object.

b. Transitive Verbs Constructed with Pattern 2 in the Passive Voice

There were 3 passive transitive verbs constructed with the transitive verb pattern 2. The analysis of this kind of transitive verbs was the same as the analysis on the passive transitive verbs constructed with pattern 1. It was based on Kolln ’s 1990 and Azar’s 1999 theories. The clause “the Australians were given responsibility for occupying the whole of eastern Indonesia and Kalimantan” was taken as the data representative of the passive transitive verbs. Table 4.6 illustrates the finding of this pattern. 43 Table 4.6. Passive Transitive Verb and Its Translation Constructed with Pattern 2 Transitive Verb SL Clause in English Transitive Verb TL Clause in Indonesian were given The Australians were given responsibility for occupying the whole of eastern Indonesia and Kalimantan. diberi Pasukan Australia diberi tanggung jawab menduduki seluruh Indonesia Bagian Timur dan Kalimantan. The noun phrase the Australians in the clause “the Australians were given responsibility for occupying the whole of eastern Indonesia and Kalimantan ” functioned as the subject of the clause. The verb phrase were given was the passive transitive verb. The phrase responsibility for occupying the whole of eastern Indonesia and Kalimantan was the direct object which received the effect of the transitive verb. The clause was changed into active voice in order to see the pattern as follows. The clause was analyzed into two versions in which the direct object followed the indirect object and vice versa. People gave the Australians responsibility for occupying the whole of eastern Indonesia and Kalimantan NP 1 Vt NP 2 indirect object NP 3 direct object The noun phrases People, the Australians, and responsibility for occupying the whole of eastern Indonesia and Kalimantan did not refer to the same object. It meant that the transitive verb pattern 2 was employed in this clause. Moreover, Kolln 1990: 22 states that another characteristic of pattern 2 is a position shift of the indirect object occurring. It was possible to make position 44 shift of the indirect object in the clause; the indirect object followed the direct object by inserting preposition to. People gave responsibility for occupying the whole of eastern Indonesia and Kalimantan to the Australians NP 1 Vt NP 2 direct object preposition NP 3 indirect object Both of the changed forms to the active transitive verb patterns showed that the clause “the Australians were given responsibility for occupying the whole of eastern Indonesia and Kalimantan ” employed the transitive verb pattern 2. The NP 1, NP 2, and NP 3 did not refer to the same object. NP 1 functioned as the subject of the clause while NP 2 functioned as the indirect object and NP 3 as the direct object referring to the first version. Nevertheless, NP 2 could also function as the direct object and NP 3 as the indirect object when preposition to was inserted between NP 2 and NP 3.

3. The Use of Pattern 4: NP