Points to Note in Writing Discussion Text

subject. 8 Moreover, Mulya’s is also different as she states that the last paragraph can be used to give readers suggestion from the writers’ view. 9

4. Language Features of Discussion Text

Accrording to Sudarwati and Grace, below are the features in a discussion text: 10 a. We may use general nouns to discuss, such as, smoking, abortion, etc.; b. Thinking verbs may also help us show our emotion, such as, think, believe, hope, etc. For example: ‘I believe that….’; c. To make a good transition, me may use some connectives, such as in addition, furthermore, although, however, on contrary, because, because of, etc. For example: ‘However, there are also disadvantages such as the cost.’; d. Using modalities, such as, must, should, etc., can also strengthen our points For example: ‘For all those reasons, we must do some action.’

5. Points to Note in Writing Discussion Text

In writing discussion text, we have to consider these following considerations: 11 a. When deciding what the title is, we can use a question to be the title of the essay; b. Before going further to the discussion, we should lead readers to the discussion, for example, by providing the background of the issue; c. When providing arguments, we should support them with reasons and evidence; d. We are not supposed to see the arguments only on one side; e. By using modal verbs, we can make our reason stronger; f. If we would like to favour one side in this discussion, reasons should also be provided; g. Or if we would like to be fair, ensure that we are fair enough to both sides. 8 Anderson and Anderson, op. cit., p. 20. 9 Mulya, loc. cit. 10 Sudarwati and Grace, loc. cit. 11 Progression in Discussion Texts, https:www.babcock- education.co.ukldpdo_download.asp?did=303763 , retrieved on March 2015. Below is the example of discussion text about the pros and cons: 12 Mobile Phones: Good or Bad? Everywhere you go nowadays, you see people using mobile phones. From school children to retired people, you see them talking in the supermarket, on trains, in the street, everywhere So what are the advantages of mobile phones? First of all, they are very convenient because you can phone from nearly anywhere. Another advantage is that they are really useful in emergency situations. For example, if you are alone in your car and it breaks down, you can get help quickly. In addition, you can also use your mobile to text your friends or connect to the Net. However, there are also disadvantages such as the cost. Mobile phone calls cost more than normal calls. Furthermore, it can be annoying if you are on a train or a b us and you have to listen to someone else’s boring conversation. Finally, people can contact you anywhere, at any time, unless you switch your phone off In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I feel mobile phones are a good thing because they give us more freedom and make communication easier. 12 Achmad Doddy, Ahmad Sugeng, and Effendi, Developing English Competencies for Senior High School SMAMA, Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008, p. 74. Write the subject of the essay discussion First, write a general introduction to the subject of the discussion. In the second and third paragraphs, introduce and present the advantage and disadvantage. Try to give examples. Use linking words like First of all to present the advantage disadvantage Use words like However to introduce a contrast and In conclusion to introduce the summary.

B. Teacher Indirect Feedback

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