Integrated Reading and Writing Using Cooperative Learning

56 4 An appropriate, well- articulated style. The language you use to get your important, well- developed ideas across should be as accurate and appropriate as possible. This means being able to choose the right words, to find the most suitable level of usage, and to use no more words than are necessary to convey the intended idea. It also means being able to construct sentences that allow your idea to be transmitted in a crisp, readable manner with minimal interference, such as uneven, ambiguous, or unnecessarily complicated wording. Style, or the art and craft of well-articulated thought, is vital to effective writing, as are the other three pillars. Considering the matters, good writing would affect its readers while reading. In addition, White 1986: 12 explained that, “Writing is a public discourse, and for that reason it should be worthwhile, well- organized, sufficiently developed to accomplish its intended purpose, and clearly and effectively written. Finally, any act of writing is influenced by three variables: the intended readership, the writer’s motives, and the nature of the subject matter.” Therefore, good writing enables the readers to shape the same ideas as the writer convey through his her writings.

7. Integrated Reading and Writing Using Cooperative Learning

Tomlinson 1998: 124 notes that “Language use is a combined skill where everything depends on everything else – at the very least we listen and speak together, and read and write together.” According to Tiedt 1989: 98 in the following page, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 57 “Obviously, students learn to write by writing, but they also learn to write by reading. Usually, students who are good readers almost automatically become good writers. They have rich vocabularies and sufficient knowledge from which to draw, and they have absorbed a sense of story that enables them to write a narrative with relative ease. They have some experiences with expository forms and are able to present an argument with reasonable support. These students are ready to move forward perfecting their writing, exploring varied purposes for writing, appreciating the writing others.” In addition, as Bramer and Sedley 1981: 4 described, “Both reading and writing will continue to be important parts of life, especially in college courses and in many careers and professions. As a student beginning a writing course, you bring a unique background of writing experiences from formal school settings and informal “real- life” situations.” “Because writing takes longer than conversation, for example, there is usually time for discussion with individual students or students working in pairs or groups to complete a writing task. Writing in group, whether as part of long process or as part of short game-like communicative activity, can be greatly motivating for students, including as it does, not only writing but research, discussion, peer evaluation and group pride in a group accomplishment”, as explained by Harmer 1991: 330. The integration of reading and writing instructional materials by the employment of cooperative learning strategy are expected to form a discourse community among students. Tribble 1996: 85 explains that “Students will form a part of the study and involve in the process of discoveries. In the process of discovery, the students will look closely at the relationships that exist between PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 58 different readers and writers. They can be analyzed, imitated, and as the students become more proficient, may well be challenged and transformed.” From those supporting theories, the writer sets the instructional materials for the tenth graders of SMA Pangudi Luhur St. Louis IX Sedayu by integrating both skills; reading and writing. The integrated instructional materials; reading to write, aimed at students improvement in writing skills. But without neglecting the reading skills, at the end of the teaching and learning, the students are expected to have good reading comprehension skills in English that will be useful in their academic needs and life- long needs.

8. The Tenth Grade of SMA Pangudi Luhur St. Louis IX Sedayu Bantul

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