Data Gathering Techniques INTRODUCTION

72 classroom situations. Then, the questions for preliminary field testing involved in how the designed materials would work and the validity of the designed materials.

2. Interview Guidelines

Seliger and Shoha my 1989: 166 describe that “Interview is conducted to collect information by actually talking to the participants. Interview is also divided into two types, unstructured and structured forms. Structured interview presents the questions with its alternative response options. In vice versa, unstructured interview is more flexible since the respondents have wider opportunity to express their feelings, views, and experiences on English learning.” To obtain the information about learners’ characteristics and interests, the writer used unstructured interview. The writer also used unstructured interview for preliminary field testing to improve the designed materials from expert validation. Unstructured interview enable both the writer and the respondents to add further explanation needed.

D. Data Gathering Techniques

Based on two research problems which were formulated in Chapter 1, the writer had to collect necessary data to answer the research problems. First, the writer conducted the research and information collecting. Previously, the writer conducted literature research to review necessary and related theories. The theories were about the descriptions in designing a set of integrated reading and writing materials for the tenth graders. The results of literature research would be meaningless without countering it with the learning needs. Thus, the writer PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 73 conducted needs analysis to obtain accurate information for the next steps in designing materials. The needs analysis was in the forms of questionnaires which conducted in SMA Pangudi Luhur St. Louis IX Sedayu Bantul school environment. After collecting the data, the writer conducted interviews to obtain supporting and detailed data. Next, the writer developed the materials based on the needs analysis and literature review. The next step after developing the materials from data gathering techniques step was to test the designed materials. In this step, the writer uses semi-structured questionnaires and unstructured interviews. Those were aimed at evaluating the designed materials. The questionnaires were distributed to the tenth graders. The other was expert validation in which the writer conducted unstructured interviews to English teachers of SMA Pangudi Luhur St. Louis IX Sedayu Bantul and lecturers of English Education Department of Sanata Dharma University. After all data was collected, the writer analyzed them before revising the designed materials. The whole process of data collection is presented on Table 3.2. The Whole Process of Data Collecting. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 74 Table 3.2 The Whole Process of Data Collecting Instruments Respondents Data Gathered Research Problem Time Review of Literature Theories of instructional design model, materials development, Reading theories, Writing theories, and Cooperative Learning theories. A description of the tenth graders of SMA Pangudi Luhur St. Louis IX Sedayu 1 August – October 2007 Questionnaires and Interview The tenth graders of SMA Pangudi Luhur St. Louis IX Sedayu Learners’ characteristics, learners’ activities, and learners’ interests in reading and writing topics. 1 May 2008 Interview English teacher of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu Learners’ characteristics, topics and interests. 1 May 2008 Questionnaires and interview Materials Evaluation The tenth graders of Pangudi Luhur Sedayu Evaluation on the designed materials 2 October 2008 Questionnaires and Interview Expert Validation English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University and English teachers of SMA PL Evaluation on the designed materials 2 May 2011 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 75 E. Data Analysis Techniques To analyze the data gathered, the writer uses percentages. The use of percentages is clearer and easier for people to interpret the data since the analysis is aimed at presenting the findings to others. According to Ary et al. 2002: 125, “The percentages are calculated by dividing the total number in one category by the total number in all categories and multiplying the result by 100.” The formula used to calculate the percentage is presented below. P = X x 100 X ’ where X the number in one category X ’ the total number in all categories P number of percentage Before designing the materials, the writer conducted research and information collecting which also considered the literature review and needs analysis. The findings of literature review are presented in Chapter II and the findings of needs analysis are presented in Chapter IV. There were two ways of obtaining needs analysis: distributing questionnaires and interviewing. The data from questionnaires were analyzed using percentages in order to describe the results of the learners’ answers. The questionnaires were also analyzed thorugh qualitative data analysis since some of the answers were based on self-opinions which had to be interpreted by the writer. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 76 From the result of needs analysis and literature review, the writer described what the learners expected to learn and determined what learning contents which are appropriate for the learners. Then, the writer designed the materials. After designing the materials, preliminary field testing was conducted by the writer. Preliminary field testing was also carried out in two ways: distributing questionnaires and interviewing. The data were analyzed through percentages and qualitative data analysis.

F. Research Procedure

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