Grammatical Mistakes Lack of Concord Wrong Choice of Words Improper Use of Conjunctions

25 BE AWARE OF SIMPLE THINGS A NSWER THESE Q UESTIO NS BA SED O N YO UR PERSO NA L EXPERIENC ES 1 . What are the differences between Bahasa Indonesia and English? 2 . Which one do you think is more complicated? Now, read the following passage. Read it individually before you work with your group mates 11 MISTAKES IN WRITING

1. Grammatical Mistakes

Ø It is influenced by Bahasa Indonesia grammars. Bahasa Indonesia EYD English Grammar Diterangkan - Menerangkan Menerangkan - Diterangkan Example : Sebuah buku berwarna merah. A red book Ø In English, the word combinations are the following adjectives + prepositions Example : the same as, different from, tired of, bored with, happy about interested in, emphasized on. UNIT 3 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26

2. Lack of Concord

Ø It is found in sentences with Simple Present Tense. I You We They + like She He It likes Ø Quantifiers Countable and Uncountable Nouns Countable Nouns : Many, Every, Each, Several, The number of, a few few, a great number of, both. Ex: Many beautiful flowers planted in my garden. Uncountable Nouns : An amount of, a great amount of, a little of, much. Ex: Suzie needs much sugar for her tea. Both : All, a lot of, any, lots of, no, plenty of, some. Ex: I need some money to pay this book.

3. Wrong Choice of Words

Ø Polysemous words. fire = 1. Api noun 2. Kebakaran noun 3. Memecat verb 4. Menembak verb lilin = a. Candle lilin bakar b. Wax lilin mentah Ø Homophonic words. Peace – Piece Ø Two-word verbs. Look Look out Look for Look after Awas Mencari Menjaga Show Show off Show up Memamerkan Muncul nampak

4. Improper Use of Conjunctions

Conjunctions: and, but, so, although, because. Improper Proper I like playing tennis although there are many other kinds of sports. So tennis is not an expensive sport, like golf. I like playing tennis although there are many other kinds of sports. Tennis is not an expensive sport like golf. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27 Because I had something very important to do, so I was not able to visit you. 1. Because I had something very important to do, I was not able to visit you. 2. I had something very important to do, so I was not able to visit you. Although my parents are poor, but I can continue my study to the university. 1. Although my parents are poor, I can continue my study to the university. 2. My parents are poor, but I can continue my study to the university.

5. Run-On and Comma Sentences

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