The Teaching English at Junior High School The Objectives of Teaching English at Junior High School

The materials will be given by the English teachers to the students based on the standard and basic competencies above, the objectives of teaching English will be reached easily and the teaching-learning process will be run effectively.

D. The Teaching English at Junior High School

English became an important language, therefore, English is taught at Junior High School as a compulsory subject. It as a compulsory subject is aimed at preparing the students to develop some aspects such as technology, science, culture, etc. However, to achieve the objective of English instructional material, more or one aspect of the English syllabus may be more emphasize depending on the students’ need and the level of proficiency. As stated in the English syllabus that the objectives of teaching English at Junior High School based on the latest syllabus syllabus 2006 is aimed to develop four language skills listening, speaking, reading, writing in order students to able to communicate in positive literacy which are covering the performative, functional, informational, and epistemic . In the first step performative people are able to read, write, listen, and speak with the symbols. In the second step functional person are able to use the language to get their life needs, such as reading magazine, newspapers, etc. In the third step informational people are able to access knowledge by using the language skills itself. In the last step epistemic people are able to use the knowledge by using English in the target language 15 .

E. The Objectives of Teaching English at Junior High School

English learning at Junior High School is aimed to the students in order to get functional level, that is to communicate spoken and written to settle about the life’s problems. English subject has a function as a mean to communicate for 15 Anonymous, Standar Isi dan Standar kompetensi Lulusan untuk Satuan Pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Pertama SMP Madrasah Tsanawiyah MTs Beserta Peraturan Pelaksanaannya Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 22, 23, dan 24 Tahun 2006 , Jakarta, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Unpublished. accessing the information and in the daily life regarded to build interpersonal relation, to exchange information, and also to enjoy the esthetic of English culture. Furthermore, according to the 1994 Curriculum, the objective of Junior High School Islamic Junior High School is to give the skills in order to develop the knowledge and skills are gotten from basic school to improve students’ life as a member of society and citizen of a country with improvement level to prepare following the secondary education 16 . Whereas, based on the latest syllabus syllabus 2006 English subject at Junior High School functioned that the students should have a skill of a communicate spoken and written to get a functional literacy level, b to enhance nation competition in global society, and c develop the students’ understanding between language and culture 17 .

F. The Teaching Preparations of Teaching English at Junior High School