Data and Source Data

nine 9 teachers from nine schools as a main subject. The object of this study is some private Junior High Schools in Ciputat Subdistrict, in this case, the writer took nine private Junior High Schools as the object.

D. Research Instrument

In this research the writer used three instruments which are used for gathered the data that she needs for this study, they are; a observation, b documentation, and c questionnaires.

E. Data and Source Data

The data of this study were six types; they are 1 the data of the teachers’ qualification at some private junior high schools in Ciputat subdistrict, 2 the curriculum used at some private junior high schools in Ciputat subdistrict, 3 the teaching preparation made by the English teachers, 4 the instructional materials used by the English teachers at some private junior high schools in Ciputat subdistrict, 5 kinds of the instructional activities conducted by the English teachers at some private junior high schools in Ciputat subdistrict, and 6 the types evaluation used by the English teachers in their teaching-learning process at some private junior high schools in Ciputat subdistrict. The data about the teachers’ qualification at some private junior high schools in Ciputat subdistrict were derived from teacher’s or school’s document and questionnaire to answer the first research question, the data about the curriculum used at some private junior high schools in Ciputat subdistrict gained from questionnaire and documentation to answer the second research question, the data about the teaching preparation made by the English teachers obtained by using questionnaire and teacher’s documentation to answer the third question of the research question, the data about the instructional materials used by the English teachers at some private Junior High Schools in Ciputat subdistrict were derived from the questionnaire and observation, it is to answer the fourth research question, the kinds of instructional activities conducted by the English teachers at some private junior high schools in Ciputat subdistrict gained by using 21 observation to answer the fifth research question, and the data about the types evaluation used by the English teachers in their teaching-learning process at some private junior high schools in Ciputat subdistrict obtained by using questionnaire and observation, it is to answer the last research question.

F. Techniques of Collecting Data