The Implementation of Teaching English at Junior High School

Adapted from Masnur Muslich. ………………., ……… Mengetahui, Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran …………………… ……………………….. From the table 2.2 previously, the teachers must follow the steps in designing a unit of lesson plan in order to get a good teaching preparation and can apply it effectively into teaching-learning activities in the classroom.

G. The Implementation of Teaching English at Junior High School

Teaching-learning process is an interaction between the students and teachers and among the students in the instructional process. In every teaching- learning process, there are some aspects that contribute to the effectiveness of the process are that 1 the objectives, 2 the students and teachers, 3 the instructional materials, 4 the methods, and 5 the evaluation. There are some aspects to reach the objectives of the instruction that can be conducted effectively in teaching-learning process. They are a students, b teachers, c curriculum, d methods, and e media. Those aspects cannot be separated to each other. The teaching English can be applied in three steps or called three phase techniques namely; 1 pre-activities, 2 whilst-activities, and 3 post-activities. Those techniques can be applied well if the teachers made the teaching preparation, teaching preparation is important to conduct before we do our success oriented work, in this case teaching. Pre-activities are the activities done by the teachers to prepare the real teaching in the classroom, for example plan. What should be taught, what media should be used, what objectives of the teaching are, how to evaluate them and when. Whilst-activities are the activities which are done in the classroom to present the materials and to induce the students to learn. And post-activities is the activities which are done by the teachers to evaluate what has happened to the teaching program, what has been successfully conducted and what has failed, what about the test, whether or not it is a good test to make feedback or revision. 17 On the notes of lesson preparation, Ur 1996; 350 18 stated that most experienced teachers actually prepare lesson twice; they have ready in advance a general syllabus of what activities and text. They want to get through during a certain period of the course and then they plan the actual sequence of components for a specific lesson and prepare supplementary materials a day or two days before.

H. The Evaluation