The Curriculum and Syllabus


This chapter discusses and presents the curriculum and syllabus, the qualification of English teachers, the instructional materials, the teaching English at Junior High School, the objectives of teaching English at Junior High School, the teaching preparations of teaching English at Junior High School, the implementation of teaching English at Junior High School, and the evaluation.

A. The Curriculum and Syllabus

The word curriculum has so many different understanding given by many authors, as Yalden states; “…the curriculum includes the goals, objectives, content, processes, resources, and means of evaluation of all the learning experiences planned for pupils both in and out of the school and community through classroom instruction and related program…” 2 The concept of curriculum given by Yalden above generally has similar concept with Tanner and Tanner which is stated that; “curriculum has been variously defined as; the cumulative tradition of organized knowledge, modes of thought, race experience, guided experience, a planned learning outcomes, cognitiveaffective content and process, an instructional plan, instructional ends or outcomes, technological system of evaluation” 3 Besides, the definitions described above Saylor and Lewis made a classification of the concept of curriculum by dividing into some categories; a curriculum as the subjects and subject matters, b curriculum as experiences, c curriculum as objectives and d curriculum as planned opportunities. The category of curriculum as the subjects and subject matters is the domain concept of curriculum itself. In the high school levels, curriculum refers to the set of subjects or specified course of study. Whereas, the curriculum as 2 Janice Yalden, The Communicative Syllabus ‘Evolution, Design and Implementation’, London: Prentice-Hall International, 1987, p. 18. 3 J. Galen Saylor, Alexander, William. M, Lewis, Arthur. J, Curriculum Planning for Better Teaching and Learning. 4 th Ed. Japan: Holt-Saunders International Edition, 1981, p.3. 6 experiences which are introduced by Ragan in Tjokrosujoso, 1996:6-7 stated that “the term curriculum…includes all experiences of children for which the school accepts responsibility” 4 . While, the curriculum as objectives is series of things which children and youth do experience by way of developing ability to do the things well that make up the affair of adult life, it should be based on the skills and knowledge needed by adults. The last is the curriculum as planned opportunities for learning, because curriculum itself is a plan for providing sets of learning opportunities for persons to be educated. In our education, the understanding of curriculum can be seen at the constitution number 21989 about the system of national education that curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements of the contents and the materials and also the model of presentation to conduct teaching-learning activities. The curriculum applied in Indonesia now is School-Level Curriculum for the next term the word KTSP is used which designed the syllabus of any subject that must be developed by the teachers based on the content standard given by National Educational Standard Board for the next term the word BSNP is used. The teachers must be develop them in the teaching-learning process through the teaching preparations, such as, the materials, the variety of indicators, the strategies used in teaching-learning process and kinds of evaluation used in teaching-learning process to get the teaching objectives. The objective of English teaching is to develop students’ to communicate in actual communicative context. The communicative here means four communicative competences introduced by Canal 1983 5 communicative competence consist of four domains; grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. Grammatical competence identifies the linguistic competence, such as vocabulary, derivations, sentence formation, pronunciation, spelling, and semantics. And it refers to what Chomsky calls linguistic competence and what 4 Drs. Harsono Tjokrosudjoso, M.Pd. Kurrikulum 1994 dan Pengembangan Materi Bahasa Inggris SLTP dan SMU. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang, 1996, p. 6-7. 5 Nuril Huda, Language Learning and Teaching “Issues and Trends”, Malang: IKIP Malang Publisher, 1999, p. 32. Hymes intends by what is “formally possible”. It is the domain of grammatical and lexical capacity 6 . Sociolinguistic competence refers to the understanding of the social context where the communication takes place, including role relationships, the shared information of the participants, and the communicative purpose for their interaction 7 . Discourse competence is the mastery of ways combining the grammatical forms and meaning to produce the spoken or written utterance in various forms 8 . Besides, strategic competence consists of the mastery of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies used by a speaker to 1 make-up for the weakness in communication due to the limitations circumstances, and 2 to strengthen the effectiveness of communication 9 . Then Richards and Rodgers stated that strategic competence refers to the coping strategies that communicators employ to initiate, terminate, maintain, repair, and redirect communication 10 . So, the instructional materials must be selected carefully in order to reach the teaching objectives in teaching-learning process. Moreover, Syllabus is a plan which a teacher translates into activities in the classroom. It is a part of a curriculum excluding the element of curriculum evaluation, furthermore, Finocciaro and Brumfit in Timsela Luhulima, 1987:14 that a syllabus differ from a curriculum in that it provides a listing of content to be learned but does not suggest methods, activities and measurement for evaluation” 11 , the syllabus should be viewed in the context of an ongoing curriculum development process. Syllabus and curriculum cannot be neglected, because to develop syllabus the teachers need the curriculum, it is as a main reference in developing the syllabus design. But, in fact, the teachers only talk 6 Jack C. Richards and Theodores S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 71. 7 Jack C. Richards and Theodores S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 71. 8 Nuril Huda, Language Learning and Teaching “Issues and Trends”, Malang: IKIP Malang Publisher, 1999, p. 33. 9 Nuril Huda, Language Learning and Teaching “Issues and Trends”, Malang: IKIP Malang Publisher, 1999, p. 33. 10 Jack C. Richards and Theodores S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 71. 11 Drs. Harsono Tjokrosujoso, M.Pd. Kurikulum 1994 dan Pengembangan Materi Bahasa Inggris SLTP dan SMU, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang, 1996, p. 4. about the syllabus and most of them are rarely much in making it when they want to conduct the teaching in the classroom, so the syllabus which is written down into the teaching preparations are neglected.

B. The Qualification of English Teachers