Background of the Study


This chapter discusses background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significances of the study, scopes and limitations of the study, and operational definitions.

A. Background of the Study

English as a tool of communication plays an important role as an international language in connecting people from various countries in the world. English is used in many kinds of field, such as, English is used as a clue how to operate the computer tools and internet program. Besides, English used to absorb the knowledge especially from the books written in English. But to master English is not easy for everybody, while, it has taught at the earlier stages of educational levels, although it functions as the local content at the elementary and so is at kindergarten. Whereas, English for Junior High School as a compulsory subject should be mastered by the students and becomes one of the subjects to be measured in the National Examination UN. Moreover, English has been introduced at the kindergarten although it functions as enjoyable. English has already introduced from the earlier stages up to the university to reveal it role, therefore, it cannot be neglected in formal education. The main objective of teaching English is to make the students able to read the textbooks written in English. In other words, the main goal of teaching English is to develop the students’ reading skill. In line with the objectives stated explicitly by the Ministerial Decree No. 0961967 dated 12 December 1967 1 , the result of teaching English is not satisfactorily achieved in Indonesia. It is caused by some factors such as, the methods used in teaching-learning process, the teaching preparations, and also the 1 Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia No. 0961967 tentang penetapan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing pertama di Indonesia yang harus di ajarkan dari Sekolah Menengah Pertama SMP sampai dengan perguruan tinggi. 1 materials which are presented to the students. In presenting the materials, they must be interesting and good. Teaching preparation is one of some factors in supporting the materials given to the students’, it has functioned to reach the goals of teaching English itself. The teacher must look into the curriculum as a main reference in making their teaching preparations. The materials used by the English teachers should be concerned by some elements in developing them, namely; a the instructional objectives must be appropriate for each level and year, b the appropriate teaching-learning strategies which are used in teaching-learning process. All of them must be written down in the teaching preparations. So, the objectives of teaching English can be reached well. In this case, the teachers’ educational background and language competence can influence the students’ motivations and interest in learning English, the teaching methods which are used and the way of presenting the materials. In teaching English there are three kinds of activities should be used namely; a pre-activities, b whilst-activities, and c post-activities. Those activities must be written in teaching preparation in order to get the real objectives of teaching English in the classroom. Besides, must be in line with the latest syllabus or curriculum that is syllabus 2006. Therefore, the writer tries to analyze or describe about English teaching at some private Junior High Schools based on the latest syllabus that is Syllabus 2006. It is based on the background stated above the writer choose the title of this study is about the implementation of English teaching at some private junior high schools based on the syllabus 2006 at Ciputat subdistrict.

B. Statement of the Problems