Accuracy and Acceptability in Translation

33 “Our references to the surrounding culture should have local colour. Linguistic formulations should preferably be exclusively target language wordings, no matter what they refer to.” Nedergaard-Larsen, 1993: 235 Henrik Gottlieb states that in the case of subtitling, the original message is delivered by various enunciators with different voices and different personalities. But what is more, in passing from the script writer to the director and the actors, the message has undergone changes and transformations. Before reaching the spectator’s eye, the message has thus in fact already been changed and adjusted several times. These changes are determined by different factors. In processing subtitles, the spectator is caught by the various spontaneous meanings involved in visual, aural and paralinguistic signs. He becomes himself an enunciating subject of the utterance, thus adding the interpretations to those of the actors and the translator. He reads and interprets a translation in form of oral to written and from one language to another.

2.7. Accuracy and Acceptability in Translation

Translation quality is one important aspect to assess the final product of the translation. A translator is required to be able to transfer the message and form of the source language text into the target language text. Accuracy is one of the aspects of translation quality assessment. As what Shuttleworth and Cowie have stated, “A term used in translation evaluation to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its original. While it usually refers to preservation of the information content of ST in TT, with an accurate translation being generally 34 literal rather than free, its actual meaning in the context of a given translation must depend on the type of equivalence found in the translation.” 1997: 3. A translation product can be stated as an accurate translation when it can transfer the whole message from source language to the target language. In other words, the target language does not betray the message or the content of the source language. In short, the faithfulness of the source language text is still maintained in the target language text. Baker states, “Accuracy is no doubt an important aim in translation but it is also important to bear in mind that the use of common target language patterns which are familiar to the target reader plays an important role in keeping the communication channels open.” 1992:57. Thus, in translating a text, accuracy is an important thing for a translator to concern. In addition, acceptability is also one of the important aspects related to translation quality assessment. The acceptability level is emphasized on the language factor including grammar, lexis, etc. The language use of the target text is expected to accept by target reader on a common form as what the original, so it does not seem like a translation work. As what Nida has stated that the best work of translation does not sound like translation 1974: 12. Furthermore, Larson states, “The person who does the testing must also understand translation principles and knows the receptor language well. If shehe needs some respondents, they must be also target language native speakers.” 1984: 472. “Those who are helping with the evaluation should be mother-tongue speakers of the receptor language.” 1984: 49. The acceptability level is then measured by the target language native speakers. But, we need an appropriate target reader to assess the acceptability 35 level of a translation text since every text has its own target readers. Consequently, the target language native speakers who are about to give an assessment must be opted.

2.8. A Brief History of Black English