Type of Research DATA and SOURCE of DATA


3.1. Type of Research

In conducting the study, the researcher employs a qualitative method, by which data are collected, classified, analyzed, and then based on the result of data analysis, a conclusion is drawn. It is like what Hadi states, “Adapun langkah- langkah kerja yang dilakukan merupakan suatu rangkaian yang dimulai dari mengumpulkan data, mengklasifikasikan, dan menganalisis serta menarik kesimpulan dari data tersebut.” 1983: p.3 This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method since the data used as samples are not in a form of figures but some words or a description of something. This is stated by Djajasudarma that “Data yang dikumpulkan bukanlah angka- angka, dapat berupa kata-kata atau gambaran sesuatu. Hal tersebut sebagai metode kualitatif.” 1993: p.15. Similarly, Sutopo 2002 describes as such: “Penelitian kualitatif melibatkan kegiatan ontologi. Data yang dikumpulkan terutama berupa kata-kata, kalimat atau gambar yang memiliki arti lebih daripada sekedar angka atau frekuensi.” p.35 This research merely focuses on specific characteristic of the data, e.g. the analysis of translation types and the accuracy and acceptability of translation of Black English Dialect in The Color Purple. 39

3.2. DATA and SOURCE of DATA

Arikunto states, “The source of data in this research is the subject which information can be achieved.” 1987: p.102. Moreover, “The data itself can be obtained from scripts, interviews, photography, videotapes, personal documents, etc.” Djajasudarma, 1993: p.15. The source of data is obtained from an American film entitled The Color Purple directed by Stephen Spielberg film and from raters. The main data of this research is an American film entitled The Color Purple and its translation, whereas the data are sentences containing syntactic features of Black English Dialect and also questionnaire.

3.3. Sample and Sampling Technique