Some software used in developing interactive multimedia

B. Conceptual Framework

There are many problems related to teaching and learning of reading which are monotonous learning media and material, limited time and availability of interactive learning multimedia. The results of those problems are the students can easily get bored since there is no innovative technology in the learning material. Based on the relevant studies between reading and interactive multimedia, it can be concluded that interactive multimedia gives many benefits both for teachers and students. For teacher, interactive multimedia helps them to deliver the material effectively and interactively in an interesting way. While for students, the use of interactive multimedia in learning process can help them to achieve the required competencies and change their attitude towards English, especially reading skill. According to KTSP, there are some types of texts that should be taught in grade VII of junior high school such as short functional text and essay in form of descriptive text. Based on the identification of problem, the researcher focusses on the descriptive text which is longer and more difficult to learn by grade VII students than short functional text which is shorter and easier. Needs analysis is conducted to gain the information about target needs and learning needs. The model of material writing process proposed by Bolitho in Tomlinson 1998: 98 is chosen by the researcher as the development model guide because the steps are simple and feasible. However, an adaption is done to suit the research condition, especially time limitation. It was done by omitting the student use or actual use of material and replacing with expert judgment. The content of the material will be adapted from various sources including the printed textbooks. There are many interesting reading tasks in the printed textbooks that can be adapted in the interactive multimedia program in order to meet the students’ needs. However, the task will be modified and added with some pictures, animations and sounds. In this study, it is expected that the interactive learning multimedia makes the teaching learning process more fascinating and enjoyable.